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ELISSE DEVELOPED AN ADMIRATION for her brother, seeing how kind he was for not treating her like some animal

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ELISSE DEVELOPED AN ADMIRATION for her brother, seeing how kind he was for not treating her like some animal.

"Is that the only dress you have?" Kaiser asked one time when he noticed that she was wearing the same dress for the last two weeks.

"No! I just like this dress," Elisse mumbled, looking down to avoid Kaiser's gaze.

But Kaiser wasn't stupid. The tight dress Elisse wore every day and the small bruises appearing on her feet was enough proof of the abuse she was experiencing with the servants.

"Alright," he said, then focused back on the book he was reading.

Elisse was relieved that her brother didn't ask her other questions. But the next day took her by surprise. A large amount of light-colored dresses decorated with frills and flowers were delivered to her room.

"Did you receive the dresses? I bought a couple ones when I was walking outside," Kaiser said.

"I did!" She exclaimed.

Elisse was beyond happy to know that her brother does care for her. And despite her distaste of frilled dresses, she still wore them. The fact that it was given to her was enough to break her fashion taste.

But good things never last for her.

It was one autumn day when Elisse just got her first acknowledgement from one of her tutors. She wanted to see Kaiser right away to share her good news.

"Why do you even bother to be with that stinky girl?"

She halted as soon as she heard Caspian's voice. The door was slightly open, and Elisse could hear the voices of the people talking inside of Kaiser's library.

"He's right, Kaiser. Why do you bother taking care of Eilisha's replacement?" It was Eclipse who agreed with his brother's words.

Elisse hoped that Kaiser would defend her, or he would at least refuse to answer. She tightened her grip around the book she was holding, as if praying that her brother would refuse to answer their provocative remarks. But can a prayer coming from her be heard by their god?

"Stop saying useless things." Elisse held her breath as Kaiser finally spoke. "Elisse can never replace Eilisha's place." And hearing his next words broke another piece of her heart.

She didn't want to hear any more of his words, so she ran and ran and ran away from the manor, her feet dragging her to the back garden.

Elisse cried a river that day. And since then, thinking of her mother's words, she had developed a resolve to change herself and become a lady resembling Eilishas's image. It was a resolution that made her believe that everyone will start liking her if she becomes the person, they adored the most.

THE DAY WHEN ELISSE had finally realized her worth was the same day the duke began paying more attention to her. Duke Lucifero Eveningstar, the head of the Eveningstar family and Elisse's father.

Lucifero believed that letting Elisse on her own would protect her from his enemies. And he was right. What he didn't foresaw was the possible fate she would have in their household.

Due to his negligence to check on her, Elisse received different types of abuse from both their servants and his children. And all of this happened right in the place where he had the most authority.

And because of his miscalculations, his daughter almost died.

Lucifero regretted every action and choices he made that day. If only he could turn back time, he would definitely choose to shower her with love and affection and protect her with all his might. Not because she's a replacement for his missing child, but because she's a child of his.

After a few days from the lake incident, Lucifero noticed the huge change from his daughter. She was now barely smiling, and her tone was always sarcastic. The lovely child he always adored from afar had become as cold as ice.

He knew how much they deserved Elisse's new treatment towards them, and he did what he could to show his affection for her. Even though it was too late, Lucifero didn't give up.

'My daughter didn't give up until the very end, and I, too, should not,' he would always remind himself every morning.

He would make quick changes each time Elisse would point out something. After the incident with the head maid, Lucifero had decided to strip Florence from her job in their household. However, the head butler had managed to convince him not to make hasty decisions.

His final decision ended up giving Florence a month of suspension and 12 lashings on the back as her punishment. Which he thought was enough for the old woman to stop.

Fortunately, all his efforts didn't go to waste. Despite the very small changes, Elisse appeared to be treating him a little warmly, unlike before. And surely, he won't make any more mistakes to lose his daughter again.

Or so he thought.

It was the day for the celebration of Kaiser's arrival. Lucifero prepared generously for this day because at last his third son had returned after a year of fighting the war between the monsters. He also treated this as the first celebration they will have together.

Everything was prepared according to their tastes. And for the food, they were all the selection of what Elisse enjoyed during their shared meals these past few days. Lucifero was beyond excited for the dinner tonight because it was also the first time that he and Elisse will wear matching outfits.

The dinner began with a warm atmosphere. Even though Kaiser started teasing Elisse, everything came out perfect.

Except for the one decision he had overlooked.

Disaster came upon them as Elisse fainted from taking in a lethal poison. Kaiser was in grave shock when he didn't notice the poison on one of Elisse's food. He was a great mage, so why didn't he notice that?

Elisse was taken quickly to her room, and the family physician was called right away. While their youngest was being treated by their physician, Lucifero ordered for the servant to be dragged to the torture room.

"I will confess everything, my duke! Please have mercy on me!" The servant begged on her knees, but mercy was not something the duke could give out easily for this kind of situation.

"Confess your sins before I cut your tongue," Lucifero threatened her.

The servant immediately confessed the person behind this tragic situation and the instructions given to her. The servant died an instant death after the confession, the form of mercy the duke could only give to her.

With one glance at Kaiser, his son already knew what he wanted to happen. Kaiser summoned all the servants in the dungeon, including Elisse's personal maids, Marina and Scarlet.

Marina was requested to stand as one of the witnesses, and was asked to point out the servants who partake with the head maid's bullying schemes. Marina obliged and gladly did what she was asked to do.

Almost half of the servants were punished, while the others remained in the underground to watch through the punishment, serving this as their first and last warning.

The punished servants were kicked out from the manor without receiving any severance pay. And Florence, who was the mastermind behind Elisse's abuse, was discreetly executed by Kaiser himself. Her remains were burned in the deepest part of the forest.

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