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HEARING HIM CHUCKLE MADE me blush. Why did I even tell him my name when he wasn't asking for it?

"Then please call me Rin." His eyes formed into small crescents as he smiled at me. "Pleased to be your acquaintance, Lily," he added, offering a hand to me.

"Yeah." I glanced at it reluctantly before shaking his hand.

It was a little weird when I felt a cold energy infiltrating through my hand, but as soon as it entered my body, the cold energy evaporated, as if fire had taken care of it.

His energy doesn't feel threatening, but there's no harm in being cautious. I carefully pulled my hand from him and hid my hand inside my cloak.

We both fell silent, and I took that chance to throw a quick glance at the man behind him. They were about the same height, but Rin's body looked bigger than the other man. I mean, that's just based on the cloak wrapped around him.

What the hell?

I could feel my cheeks heating up with the sudden thought that crossed my mind. I immediately turned around to look for Scarlet.

"Please excuse me," I muttered then marched to where Scarlet was.

It isn't quite right to think like that with the person you just met. Your brain's bad enough. And what's with the 'Lily'? Only mother should call me by that nickname!

Scarlet looked puzzled when I suddenly hooked my arm around hers. "Don't mind me," I whispered while pretending to look at the daggers as well.

I've already seen them last time, but I'd be more than willing to look at them again than to stay beside that man. I really don't understand why I'm feeling this sort of clumsiness around him.

Scarlet was a bit stiff as I kept my arm around hers. And looking at the daggers again made me forget about the piercing stare burning holes on my back.

The more I looked at the glass-looking dagger placed on the corner section of the cabinet, the more I got myself distracted. I had forgotten when I released Scarlet's arm. The fire that radiated inside the blade sparked the curiosity in me.

Despite my attention focused on the dagger, I could still sense the familiar presence coming closer to me.

"Do you know what stone was used for this dagger?" The question flew out of nowhere.

I think Rin smiled before he answered me. "That's a blue fire opal. It looks beautiful, but it can kill anyone with just one stab."

Woah. I glanced at him; my eyes filled with amusement. "That's cool," I mumbled. I should give this as a gift.

"My lady, your orders are complete," the owner announced, cutting off my time with the opal dagger.

I smiled at Rin and mouthed a thank you before dashing to the counter. I really was thankful for his additional information. The owner handed me the receipt, and I quickly paid him.

CRIMSON LILY [To Be Published Under PAPERINK]Where stories live. Discover now