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"THERE'S THE THIEF WHO stole my bread! Catch her!" The man's deafening voice caught my attention

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"THERE'S THE THIEF WHO stole my bread! Catch her!" The man's deafening voice caught my attention.

I was in the middle of checking on some fruits on the side of the street when the man and the person he labeled a thief ran in my direction. Marina was beside me and her initial reaction was to pull me away from the commotion brewing towards us.

"Oh, my," I clicked my tongue when the hood of my cloak fell from my head. I quickly placed it back, then glanced at the commotion in front of us.

Torn and dirty clothes, messy auburn hair, and a frail-looking body covered with bruises. She looked a few years younger than me, and oddly enough, there's something pulling me to her.

"Here he goes again."

"Right. Poor little girl."

"She should have lived her life properly."

A couple of adults spitting unnecessary remarks soon surrounded the two, and I remained at the side of the fruit stall.

"You scrawny little girl!" The man shouted and slapped her on the cheek. The people watching the scene continued to whisper to one another, but no one dared to step forward and help the girl.

The man raised his other hand and slapped the girl again. A crease formed on my forehead. This somehow reminded me of some awful memories from my childhood in the manor.

"Shouldn't we call the guards?" I whispered, gritting my teeth. I couldn't bear to watch the scene any longer.

Marina must have felt how close I was to interrupting what was happening. She held my clenched hand and pulled me back a bit further from the incident.

"You mustn't, my lady. You'll get in trouble," she whispered. But I refused to stand aside and watch the absurd spectacle happening in front of me.

I pulled her hand away from mine. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this," I said as I stepped forward. I couldn't just leave her alone.

"Hey!" I shouted, catching the ugly man's attention. The man frowned as he turned and looked at me.

"This is none of your business, kid. Move away," he said and focused back on the girl. I glanced at her and I couldn't see any form of retaliation or hate from her face.

"You're much older than her, shouldn't you teach her proper manners instead of assaulting her like that?" I asked, my gaze still directed towards her. I really wasn't planning on poking my nose into someone's business, but I felt like my younger self would hate me if I ignored this.

The man looked at me again, and I could see irritation covering his bearded face. He then stepped closer towards me, as if he was about to punch or slap me on the face. The strong smell of beer invaded my nostril.

This disgusting creature dared to step closer to me.

I could feel Marina's pair of hands wrapping around my arm, as if to pull me back again.

CRIMSON LILY [To Be Published Under PAPERINK]Where stories live. Discover now