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AS I WAS CHECKING on the magical stones, I felt a presence approaching me

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AS I WAS CHECKING on the magical stones, I felt a presence approaching me. I tried to pretend that I was busy looking at them, but then he spoke behind me.

"Hello, Lily. It has been a while." He's being friendly again.

"It has. How have you been, Rin?" I asked without looking at him.

It wasn't an awkward situation for me anymore. I have been dealing with four different types of men back in the estate anyway, that's like, good practice.

Although, truthfully, it still feels weird talking to other men.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

I could feel him leaning closer, as if he were looking at the same thing I was looking at.

"I'm searching for a nice gift."

I felt him nod beside me. "Those stones are magical. I heard you can cast a spell on them and use them as a tracking device or a communication device."

I quickly turned my head to the sudden information he was sharing with me, but then I regretted that. I took a step back when I realized how close we were.

"Ah, my apologies. The information you shared with me had piqued my interest. But was that true?"

Rin smiled. He was unfazed by our closeness and looked more amused about it. "You can ask the master for confirmation."

"Thank you. This was like the other time when you answered my question."

"I'm glad that you remembered."

"What are you doing here by the way? Are you a mage?" I asked him curiously. I've always wondered what his business with the owner is since they seem close.

He shook his head. "I'm master's former student, but I'm no mage."

"Really? But you know how to use magic, right? That's cool." I chuckled softly. I'm genuinely amazed at him because he's a student of the owner. That means, the owner's quite a skilled man. "Anyway, I'm going to make a request first." I took about five stones with assorted colors with me then carried them to the counter.

"Owner! Someone told me that these stones can be made as a tracking device or a communication device, is that true?"

I watched as the owner glanced at the person behind me before answering me. "Yes, that's true. Would you like to request one?"

I smiled at him then leaned closer to whisper my request. "Yes. Can you make them into a small brooch or pins? Then make all of them into a communication device."

The owner chuckled softly. "Alright, miss. But this might get pricey."

"The price doesn't matter. The people I will be giving these are especially important to me. Can I get them within a week?" I'm sure Scarlet and Marina will like them.

CRIMSON LILY [To Be Published Under PAPERINK]Where stories live. Discover now