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THE FOURTH PRINCE'S OFFICE was now empty of the documents he had completed for the past few days

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THE FOURTH PRINCE'S OFFICE was now empty of the documents he had completed for the past few days. Prince Soreen was now enjoying his alone time by resting in his office.

There was nothing left to do for him. He had given up the rights for the throne, and for this, his older brother gave him an option of what he might want to do moving forward.

As he was letting time pass, Soreen unconsciously thought of her. Ever since meeting the young lady at the store of his former master, Soreen had been feeling something unexplainable towards her.

His heart flutters at the sight of her. Hearing her voice makes him happy. And knowing that she might be in danger hurts her heart. Soreen knew how strong Elisse was, but there was always this urge of wanting to protect her all the time.

Of keeping her safe from any dangers.

"What am I feeling anyway?" He mumbled to himself, a sigh flying out of his mouth as he pulled himself up from his chair.

The fourth prince soon decided to go for a walk, thinking that a breath of fresh air would help with whatever he was feeling. And somehow the fresh breeze from the east garden soothed his pounding heart.

He watched as the beautiful and colorful flowers danced in front of him. A smile latched his face as he gently held onto the pink rose bud in front of him.

"I wonder if she likes flowers too?" The question escaped his lips even before he could realize that he was thinking of her again.

Soreen quickly let go of the rose bud in front of him. He ruffled his hair as he dragged himself down on the grass. "Am I going crazy?" His hands covered his face as he slumped on the ground.

The prince stayed in that position for a couple of moments, wanting to just enjoy the comforting wind around him.

"Why don't you go see her?" A voice spoke which caught his attention.

Soreen quickly lifted his head, turning it to where the voice came from. It was the same familiar person that accompanied Elisse and her brother before.

"How did you get in here?" His gaze was as sharp as his sword. Soreen already heightened the security of the palace, and no one should be able to trespass in here.

The man just chuckled at him; he already knew what the prince might be thinking based on his expression. "Don't worry, prince. I'm not an intruder."

This only made him look even more suspicious in the eyes of the prince, but Solace couldn't care less. He even approached Soreen closer, and the man remained seated on the grass, glaring at him.

"I'm here to deliver some news about her," he said as he stopped in front of the prince. Soreen didn't speak, and Solace took it as his cue to continue. "Elisse is planning to leave the empire. And she might not come back here."

The wind blew harder. "Why are you saying this to me?" Soreen asked. He was confused, but somehow, he was glad that he informed him.

Solace smiled at him. "I don't know either. I'm just informing you. It's your choice what you will do about this information."

Soreen frowned at him, but before he could ask another question, the wind blew harder again, bringing a couple of petals with it. Soreen covered his face with his arm as the impact of the petals blew towards them.

"What do you mean?" Soreen asked again after the breeze calmed down.

He was confused when he saw no one in front of him, except for a folded paper falling to the ground. Soreen was unsure what just happened, it was like the man vanished along with the flower petals.

Instead of taking his remaining time wondering where the man went, Soreen unfolded the paper he just caught. There was no specific message in there, except for a date, time, and a location.

He stayed in the garden as he thought long and hard. Once he had decided, Soreen marched his way to the crowned prince's office.

He now knows what he wanted to do with his life.


"RIN," I WHISPERED SOFTLY as I recognized the pair of blue eyes staring at me. But why is he here? "What are you doing here?"

Rin didn't answer and instead walked closer to me. I watched as he took careful steps in approaching me, as if he didn't want to scare me with his sudden presence.

"I was reluctant at first," he started as he inched closer to where I was standing. "But I thought about this, and I realized what I wanted to do for the remainder of my life."

I was even more confused hearing his words. My eyes widened when he knelt on one knee in front of me. "What are you doing?" My voice came out a whisper as I asked him that question.

Rin smiled at me as he placed an arm over his right chest, a sign of a knight making his vow. Somehow, I was starting to understand what he was doing. And I had no strength to stop him.

"I want to go anywhere in the world with you. I want to fight with you. I want to cry with you. I want to hold you, and comfort you. I want to spend the remainder of my life with you. Will you allow me to join you on your adventure, Lily?" He opened his other hand in front of me, as if waiting for my response.

I wasn't sure if I'd be capable of loving someone after pouring the remaining love I had to the wrong people. But what I know is that I'll deeply regret this if I leave him here.

"I'm not good with this, but I'll do my best," I said as I placed a hand on top of his.

I could see the tears in his eyes as he planted a kisson the back of my hand, as if to seal the vows we made. And only the forest andmy precious beasts were the one who witnessed us.

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