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I DIDN'T NOTICE THAT they were watching me as I cried earlier

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I DIDN'T NOTICE THAT they were watching me as I cried earlier. Or maybe it did not matter that much to me if someone saw me wailing like that. I chuckled. I shouldn't let things go as they are.

Father, Eclipse, and the Eveningstar knights came to fetch us. We were in the villa of the third prince when they came.

Father kept on checking on us by asking us questions, but I remained silent. Caspian was the one answering them. I ignored the three of them and stared outside the window of the carriage.

Maybe in time, I would be free as a bird. I would be able to spread my wings and escape this cage that binds me with my desire to be loved.

Solace on the other hand, was nowhere to be found. He was still there before I passed out, but when I woke up, he was nowhere to be seen.

I sighed softly as I remembered what happened in the prince's villa. My hand instinctively touched my left eye. It was now covered with soft bandages.

I could feel the sympathizing gaze from my father and my two brothers. They must be thinking how sad I am for losing my eyes, but the truth was, I could feel something blooming on it.

I tried to hide the small smirk forming on my lips by covering my lower face using my hand. I wanted to unbind it right away and check the change for myself. But I held the urge and sat still. I should wait until we get home.

We soon arrived at the mansion. And the first thing I heard were footsteps approaching us. It must be Eilisha and the other servants.

"Father! Brothers!" Her annoyingly sweet voice invaded my ears as she ran down the stairs.

I reflexively rolled my eyes and turned away from them. It would be wrong to think ill of her since she was just controlled by the prince, but I choose to blame her for my lost left eye.

"Elisse!" I only shook my head when she called me. I didn't bother sparing her a glance and just proceeded to go to my room.

I could hear the servants whispering on the side. It must be because of my rudeness towards this sister of mine. Oh, well.

"Let's allow your sister to be alone for a while." I heard father say.

It's not that I'm acting out again, I just don't feel the need to be nice to anyone anymore. I'm fed up with the things that happened to me.

Servants were lining up outside my room. They seemed like the servants who were serving Eilisha when she was still under the prince's control.

"Leave, all of you, except for this young servant," I ordered, pointing at the red-headed maid.

She blinked and quickly took a step forward. Marina wasn't around yet, so I needed someone as her substitute.

"My name is Luna–" I quickly cut her off.

CRIMSON LILY [To Be Published Under PAPERINK]Where stories live. Discover now