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ELISSE WAS LEFT IN the room. Soreen and the rest of her group were downstairs, or maybe in another room preparing their things.

She was still sitting on the chair. Her head tilted upwards, staring at the ceiling. Her mind floated as she remembered the incident earlier.

If Marina and Scarlet were late for even just a second, she might have burned in the fire back in her room. Luckily, they were able to capture the servant that the head butler conspired with.

The servant was tasked to poison Eilisha and framed Elisse after. Elisse used her power on the servant and cast illusion magic on her, making her physical appearance look like her.

They knocked her down after and tied her arms and legs. The servant woke up as the fire engulfed the room and Elisse was there watching her struggle.

They were about to escape using Ebony's ability when her brother, Caspian, jumped in the fire. Even if she hated him, she did not want to see Caspian die in the fire just because of her. She ordered Pandora to stop the time then pulled Caspian with them and escaped.

A soft grunt escaped her lips then she stepped roughly on the floor as she pulled herself up from her seat. She had decided to come down and check her group. They needed to leave early anyways, so she shouldn't waste any more of her time.

It was Master Vander who had greeted her first. "Everything's been prepared, my lady."

Elisse nodded at him. She took out the remaining brooch pins she had and handed it to Soreen and Caspian. "This is like a communication device. Aside from Ebony, we can also contact each other using that."

"Where's yours?" Caspian asked.

Elisse pointed at the small spider on her shoulder. "The brooches are connected to him."

"Right. The spirit," he nodded.

They had discussed their plans for the last time before they prepared for their departure. Elisse and Caspian disguised themselves as sibling merchants, both wearing the same blue wigs that the owner sold to them for 1 silver each.

Marina was disguised as a merchant broker, while Scarlet was disguised as a female knight. And Ebony hid inside Elisse's wig. Elisse was still confused why Scarlet was carrying Aster, but she convinced herself into thinking that the fur animal's just her thing.

"Take care of both of you," Elisse said, patting Soreen's shoulder. Then she gave Scarlet a hug before taking Aster from her.

Before Soreen could speak, Caspian had already dragged her sister away from him. "Yes. Take care. Bye." He even waved his hand to them.

Elisse didn't say anything and followed her brother instead, her mind was still busy thinking. After paying the owner, they left the artisan store.

The three are now headed to the new building that Elisse bought through her business partners.

CRIMSON LILY [To Be Published Under PAPERINK]Where stories live. Discover now