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Hi Lilies!

Since Crimson Lily's about to have a physical book published under PAPERINK PUBLISHING, I've edited the whole thing. I wanted to edit it in a major major way to change things, however, I couldn't due to the following conditions:

a.) Major editing the manuscript will take a longer time and it might not reach the set deadline if I did that.

b.) Major editing will change the current timeline, ruin the flow, and it will be like rewriting the whole damn thing.

So instead, I edited it to clean the book from typo errors (idk if I was able to check on everything, smh), sentence structures, and some mistyped information. I also changed the ending, but no MAJOR (as in all caps MAJOR) parts were changed to avoid ruining the current timeline.

I also changed the first names of the brothers. You can refer to the information below:

[former names]

first: Eclipse Eveningstar

second: Ecclise Eveningstar

third: Elixier Eveningstar

[new names]

first: Eclipse Eveningstar

second: Caspian Eveningstar

third: Kaiser Eveningstar

And just to be clear, Elisse didn't forgive them, at least not completely. The whole situation was a "forgive but never forget" kind of thing. I would say that I personally experienced this kind of scenario with my family where your feelings were pushed then pulled by their sudden changes and so on.

I was someone who wanted familial affection so changes like those affect me in a way that I'll be pushed back to lean on them. And it was somehow like that to Elisse. Others probably didn't experience those shits, and I'm glad you didn't. But please don't judge my second child Elisse for acting the way she did or doing what she did. She's still just a kid inside wanting to be loved.

Anyway, I've decided to do better in the future instead. I hope you will still support this duck writer's other romance-fantasy works which I might just post back in this account (where everything started for me). idk, who knows?

If you're here reading until this part, thank you for taking your time checking this author's note. I hope you have a splendid rest of your time.

Keep fighting!


Your Little Wildflower, Dandelion.

CRIMSON LILY [To Be Published Under PAPERINK]Where stories live. Discover now