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I RESTED MY CHIN on my palm as I watched the side of the road

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I RESTED MY CHIN on my palm as I watched the side of the road. I only brought Scarlet with me and three pouches of gold for this trip. I was planning to do a quick trip to get the brooches and buy a shell for Ebony.

"I hope you can get me something bigger, master," Ebony suggested.

I'm thinking of buying a spider or a crow. I can't really bring bigger animals anymore. Even Aster's constantly with Pandora.

"Why not a tiger? Or a fox?" He asked, subtly suggesting again.

I'd want to give that to you too, but I need something small that can sneak in and gather information for me. Or something that can fly to deliver anonymous letters. I'm being practical here.

"Are you planning something, master?" He inquired.

Nope. I'm just getting ready for the worst. I could feel something ominous that's about to happen. Something I can't explain. So, which one would you like, a crow or a spider?

"And I don't have a choice other than that?" He's sulking now. I'm sorry, Ebony. But I might consider that later.

I'll give you a bug shell or an empty oyster shell if you won't choose between the two.

"A crow." I could feel him pouting at this point.

Alright. Then we'll get you a spider. I just remembered that I could bring the spider anywhere I go. I chuckled to myself as Ebony continued to grumble because of my final decision.

Somehow, he fits an image of a spider more than a crow since he's a lazy spirit. I will be able to carry him with ease because spiders are small.

I handed two pouches of gold to Scarlet and quickly dispatched her to get the brooches from the artisan store. I ordered her to wait in the carriage once she was done. Then I took my time roaming the main street to find a pet shop.

I looked around the store buildings, but all I see in this area are dress boutiques, and dessert shops. Ebony. Find the nearest pet shop, so we can go back quickly.

"Yes, master."

I kept on looking around the area while Ebony was busy locating the nearest pet shop. And I thought we'd be able to roam around without any disturbances, but I was wrong. I feel like someone's following us again.

"Are you still going to insist not to touch whoever your stalker is?" Ebony asked.

I spread out invisible strings of my mana to check how many of them are following me today. To my surprise, they seem like the same ones who are always watching me whenever I go out. Well, there are still five of them. I think they're only here to observe us.

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