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I TOLD MY FATHER about the nightmares I've been having since that night

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I TOLD MY FATHER about the nightmares I've been having since that night. I couldn't hide it any longer because of the anxiousness welling inside of me.

He fell silent at first as he hugged me. I didn't realize I was holding my breath that time that I only sighed in relief after hearing his reassuring words.

"Even if Eilisha did come back, I still won't throw you away. You're also my daughter, so please don't forget that, Elisse."

My eyes fluttered close as I tried to relax myself. I had to or I would get scolded by Marina again for stressing myself. It's already the day of the ball, so I must focus.

I started the day by receiving a full-body massage from Marina and Scarlet. The other servants had volunteered to help, and I declined quickly. But Marina had them help by preparing the things I'll need, like the bathtub I'll be using.

The full body massage went on for a couple of hours. They said that it was needed because I will not just be attending the ball as a guest, but also a debutante like any other noble. So, I had to endure it.

"Master, aren't you hungry?" Ebony asked. He hid in the cabinet beside my bed.

No one had seen him yet, so he can't just crawl anywhere, or he will get squashed. I am. But Marina forbids me from eating anything.

"Is that really necessary when attending a ball? Master's already pretty and physically fit for these things."

I wonder what this spirit needs. You're right. If only they could hear you. Tsk.

"Too bad they cannot. Anyway, master, can I roam around the mansion and eat some useless shadow?" Somehow, I can imagine his weird grin.

I sighed. I knew it. Just come back quickly and don't let anyone see you.

"As you wish, master!" He exclaimed. Ebony quickly disappeared into thin air as soon as he got my permission.

Is he that excited to eat? He just ate a couple of shadows yesterday, and now he's hungry again. Just how big is this spirit's stomach? Wait. Do they even have one?

"My lady. Marina asked me to bring this to you." Scarlet placed a tray on the table in front of me.

We just finished the body massage, and they asked me to rest for a moment before I take a bath. I smiled as I saw the food that Scarlet bought for me.

It wasn't a full course meal, but it was enough to satisfy a hungry lady like me. I happily munch on the sandwich and cookie on the tray. I cleared up all the food and finished my tea as well.

A sigh of contentment escaped my lips as I continued to rest on the couch. I'm not specifically excited for this ball since I didn't want to debut in the first place.

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