VII. |Lost my mind|

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don't know about u guys, but for me, this was a pretty intense chapter :)

up there u have an edit I made (I don't own the two characters' pictures, but :)) ) You're going to see more edits of mine in some chapters. ❤️

anyway, hold on tight, 'cause ori's starting to realize something and everything is getting complicated from now on😝

oh, and... grab your tissues



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I was dreaming.

I was sitting on a tree branch, and that tree was floating, everywhere around being... absolutely black. I looked up - that was supposed to be the sky, but it was black. Pitch black. And I almost knew I was dreaming, but I also wondered... if it was just another vision? No, it couldn't have been. That meant the blue bird should've been there. And it wasn't.

I looked around one more time. Still black. I tried to get off that branch, but I couldn't. It was like something was keeping me there. I watched the branch - it was red. It was a bright red and it had several deep cuts here and there. It was a bloody red and it made my stomach feel weird. I touched the surface - it felt like normal wood, but... that colour...

"Ready for a new nightmare... Orinai?"

I shuddered, covering my mouth. I tried to move, because I recognized that voice immediately. I just couldn't move and I was terrified by that voice! It was the one that has been haunting me in that same nightmare. And all I wanted to do was to wake up, but...

"You won't be saved again..." that voice hissed.

I felt shivers down my spine and I wrapped my arms around myself, closing my eyes. That voice was right - I never managed to wake up by myself.

"You are a pretty smart Kunoichi, Orinai... The only problem is that... you will never find me! You will never find them... You're not strong enough!"

Not... again...

I hit the branch with my fists and I closed my eyes. "SHUT UP!"

The red colour of the branch turned into black. I was suddenly floating. Nowhere. In an absolute void.

"I know who you are!" I said, my whole body shaking.

I raised my chin, looking up, from where the voice was heard. My eyes filled with tears, because I knew I was stuck in that nightmare again. I had to to something to wake up. And I was trembling so hard... Not only that I was terrified, but I was feeling my heart really heavy... Like it hurt. It wasn't a physical pain and it drove me insane!

"You know who I am...?" the voice giggled, sending thrills all over my arms. I clenched my fists, pushing them against my forehead.

"Orochimaru, stop playing with my mind and let me wake up!" I shouted, tears falling on my cheeks like a powerful river.

Secret of the Blue Bird(Kakashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now