Character Information

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A/N: This is my first ever story so it may be crappy and cringy. Please feel free to point out my mistakes in the comments and I will try to update regularly.


Name: (Current)

 Ambrosine de Alger Obelia / Amy


Elliot Williams / Ellie

Age: 5 (for now)

Hair color: Platinum blonde

Hair type: Wavy

Eye color: Cerulean

Personality: Fun loving, quiet, smart, can be sarcastic and sadistic at times, loves soft things, hates sweets and dresses, lowkey a pervert, lives for gooseberries.

Extra: Ambrosine has killed a few people in her past life. She has incredible fighting skills that she remembers from her past life but can't use them properly because of her small body, is a master at speed chess, overprotective of Athanasia, pro swimmer, spends most of her time reading books to know more about the Obelian Empire and wants to be a knight when she grows up. The only difference between her and Athanasia is that Ambrosine has freckles whereas Athanasia doesn't.


(WMMAP) Ambrosine de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now