Chapter One

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Today was just like any other day for Jungkook except one thing he enjoyed about school was no longer there. It was honestly a shame. His favorite teacher retired over spring break and didn't tell anyone so now he was completely left in the dark and sad about the whole thing.

He didn't want another teacher because he liked his other one but Jungkook wasn't one to complain without reason and he understood that people get old and have to retire but it didn't mean he wasn't going to be upset. He walked into his classroom where the students there waved and greeted Jungkook as Jungkook took his seat.

Jungkook glanced around for a moment, everyone was there except the teacher. Late on his first day huh? Jungkook crossed his arms and looked at the clock, just then a man walked in.

"Hello, class" The man walked in with chocolate hair and eyes so dark one could mistake it for black. He dressed nicely in a nice suit and tie with dress shoes. This man carried a small bag with him and set it behind the desk in front of him before picking up a piece of chalk and write down his name nicely and faced the many flabbergasted students who stared at him, Jungkook included.

 "My name is Mr. Min. I will be teaching this class. I apologize if I do not teach you like how your old teacher had but I will try and make do where he left off" He bowed and the others did it as well except for Jungkook who was frozen in place. Jungkook couldn't stop staring at this man. He put his hands together on top of his desk and watched the man in complete silence.

"Most teachers do not like being called by their first names but if you would rather, Yoongi is fine," He wrote that on the board before looking down at a few papers. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as his eyes scanned the paper he was holding. It was like something has just clicked in his head because he started right where they left off.

Jungkook looked down at his desk as Mr. Min or Yoongi tought the rest of the class, as if he had been here for the past year and half, as if he had not just got there and as if everything was okay. Jungkook felt like he was over reacting but he didn't feel right about this.

Jungkook stayed back when class ended. He walked up to Yoongi watched him for a moment earning a confused look from the other male. Jungkook went to say something but wasn't sure what to say.

"Jungkook? Thats your name right? Is it okay if I call you that?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook frowned. "Yeah thats who are you exactly? I mean yes your a teacher here now but who are you? I don't mean to be disrepectful Mr. Min but I just...change is hard for me especialy when the teacher who retired was my friend. I learn best with people I know"

"I understand that. Change is very hard for some people but the way I see it, its there so people can improve. If nothing changes then what is to learn when you already know it?" Yoongi watched Jungkook before sitting down at the desk. "You already knew him at least what he was willing to share. Change opens your mind to new experiances, some good, some bad. Its my first day teaching but not my first day here. If you want to get to know me then I could offer after school piano lessons but it wont just be us."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and looked away for a moment before looking at Yoongi. "I didn't decide to talk to you so you could tell me about change or after school piano lessons I spoke with you because I am not happy right now. Isn't your job to kiss my ass? I mean, we as in the students are the ones who put money in your bank account to keep from you from being like the other low lifes most likely like yourself. Why exactly did you come here? Was it to teach or simply feel like your good enough"

Yoongi looked up to Jungkook then down to his desk, thinking for a moment before looking up, about to say something but when he did, Jungkook was gone. 

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