Chapter Ten

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Yoongi's eyes opened slowly. He glanced around quietly and went to get up but looked down to see Jungkook's head resting on his chest. He blinked in surprise and the first thing he checked was to see if they were wearing clothes, thankfully they were. He laid his head back down for a moment before gently touching Jungkook's hand. He intertwined his fingers with his and smiled a bit.

Jungkook took a deep breath and shifted slightly, he opened his eyes and looked down at his hand then Yoongi. He looked into his chocolate brown eyes before getting up and stretched, leaning down and gently kissing Yoongi's lips. He couldn't help but smile when Yoongi returned the kiss. He laid next to him and put his hand on Yoongi's chest. "We should do something" Jungkooked looked at Yoongi. "Anything really, I normally go and hang out at Taehyung's but I want to hang out with you" 

"I don't do much but watch TV on my days off. Sometimes I go on a walk with my dog. I live a bland life...well other than going to work" Yoongi looked over to Jungkook and gently put his hand on Jungkook's hand and smiled a bit. "We could go to my place and just watch movies all day"

Jungkook grinned. "That sounds great, Yoongs" Jungkook got up and got dressed into cooler clothes than what he was wearing and looked back at Yoongi who was watching. He shook his head and smiled before putting a shirt on with some shorts.

Yoongi stood up after he was finished and followed Jungkook out the door who went downstairs. A note was left on the door by his mother telling Jungkook she was out running errands. Yoongi put his shoes on and looked at Jungkook. "Does your mother know about us?"

"Yep! You fell asleep last night on the couch and I couldn't carry you so when she got home, I had her help me. You are a heavy sleeper, Yoongi" Jungkook looked up at him and chuckled "It's adorable" Jungkook went and got his sandals on then walked outside with him and got in the passenger seat of his car and watched Yoongi get in and start it.

Yoongi put his seatbelt on before pulling out of the driveway carefully and started driving to his place. He looked at Jungkook who was looking out the window before looking at him. They arrived at his house shortly after and went inside. Yoongi put his keys on his kitchen counter and looked at Jungkook who was looking around at the drinks he had in his minibar.

"Are you a responsible person?" Jungkook asked and looked up at Yoongi "I've dated two people before you and they weren't the best. Always offering me drinks and I never took them. Not because it was the type of drink but because I didn't want to do anything that would ruin my chances to become an idol at some point"

Yoongi was confused at first before thinking about it. "I'd say I'm responsible but if you decided to take a drink I'm not going to stop you. You're old enough to choose what's right and what's wrong. At the same time if you did do it then it would just be between you and me. As long as you don't destroy your liver then do whatever it is that you want" Yoongi glanced at him before making them something to eat while they watched a movie.

Jungkook looked at Yoongi, wondering if he was testing him. He narrowed his eyes and went over and pulled out a bottle of whiskey he had then glanced at Yoongi who watched him. Jungkook took the lid off and watched Yoongi who crossed his arms with a smile on his face. He went to take a sip but then stopped. "You're really not going to stop me?"

"Nope, if you're going to do it then do it, if not then put it back," Yoongi said and sat on the counter and watched Jungkook.

Jungkook hummed a bit before putting it back before looking at Yoongi who seemed proud of himself. "Did you know I was going to put it back?"

"Let's just say that you're easy to read and leave it at that" Yoongi grabbed the plate of food he made for them and walked into the living room. "Come and pick a movie"

Jungkook pouted and followed and sat next to Yoongi and leaned up against him with his arms crossed. "I'm not easy to read"

Yoongi took a bite of a cracker with cheese on it. "I had a feeling you would see if I actually cared or not if I did care you wouldn't have done it, and if I didn't then you wouldn't have done it because you don't drink and it's clear to see because you held the bottle with both hands, no one does that" Yoongi looked at Jungkook before gently kissing his head. "Nothing to pout over though"

Jungkook took a cracker off the plate and ate it before grabbing the remote and looked through Netflix "Still not easy to read" He picked an action movie. Yoongi seemed pleased with it because he kicked his feet up and wrapped an arm around Jungkook and pulled him closer.

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