Chapter Five

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Yoongi was having trouble sleeping. He couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that Jungkook was making him feel all these feelings he never really experienced before. He knew what love felt like but only for his family, nothing really outside of that. He decided to call Hoseok. He was his best friend and his only friend that would drink late at night with. He needed to talk about these feelings before he let them slip out to the wrong person and that wrong person being Jungkook.

Yoongi found himself pacing his living room until he heard the knock on his door. He rushed to his door, maybe a little too fast. He opened it and seen Hoseok. He smiled gently and let him in. He closed his door behind him and walked into his living room with Hoseok. Handing him a glass of pricy whiskey with a few ice cubes in the glass. Yoongi sat on the couch with him for a while in silence before he managed to speak.

"I had a today. I don't remember doing anything before it but I must have passed out during lunch. We were speaking about Jungkook. You said that he liked me and had a crush on me and that I liked him and had a crush on him. It... makes sense..right? I mean he's changed, he's nicer...he's...not a spoiled brat anymore or maybe he still is but not around me...either way, I don't know how to feel about it. I'm not sure if I feel anything for him but what if I'm wrong and decide to kiss him or something then I find out he doesn't like me and I lost all his trust right then and there." Yoongi looked at Hoseok before nervously sipping his drink.

Hoseok was surprised by Yoongi telling him this. He blinked and sipped his drink and looked down at the coffee table for a moment. "It seems like you have your hands from what you tell me, he's of age so why not experiment. Yes, your his teacher but at the same time the school doesn't care from what I know about it, it's not a normal school, it doesn't matter if you pass or not so it's not really breaking the law...unless I'm wrong then forget what I just said" Hoseok was slightly upset about this topic, he never really liked talking about Yoongi's love life but he was his best friend and was going to support him no matter what.

Yoongi took a deep breath before closing his eyes for a moment then looked at Hoseok. He was about to talk to him but Hoseok's face made him concerned. "Did I upset you?" Yoongi frowned slightly before sitting up and sipped his drink then put it on the coffee table. "Are you mad at me, Hoseok?"

"It doesn't matter what I have to say. Lets ju-"

"It does matter," Yoongi said sternly "I didn't invite you to just talk about my problems, I invited you to talk too. Share a drink and just talk about life. I've been so busy we hardly hang out. The times we do hang out I keep ahold of those memories because I don't know the next time we'll get to hang out like that. Tell me please"

Hoseok glanced over to Yoongi before facing him. "I know you're dealing with your problems with Jungkook and your feelings for him and I didn't want to say anything to make you change your mind but I love you Yoongi. I always have. I feel selfish for bringing it up when I had all the other chances in the time we have been friends to bring it up but it's true. I love you and I'll still love you even if you don't love me back. I don't plan on leaving your side because friends like you are hard to come by" Hoseok glanced away for a moment then looked at Yoongi. "I'm sorry Yoong's..."

Yoongi couldn't believe what he was hearing. He took a moment to process all of what Hoseok said before he looked up at him. "You don't have to be sorry, Hoseok. You didn't change my mind about anything. I am not sure about my feelings for Jungkook, it's complex...I already know you, I know everything about you, it makes it easy to say yes...that is if you wanted to date me still" 

Hoseok listened to Yoongi and what he said. He had no words for how happy he was. He scooted over to Yoongi closer and looked into his eyes for a moment, he was happy and he could tell Yoongi was too. Hoseok felt Yoongi grab his face and pull him into a kiss. Butterflies flew around his stomach and he couldn't help but smile his sunshine smile. He pulled away slowly and looked down at Yoongi's lips before his eyes. "Yoongi I-"

"Shhh" Yoongi put his finger to Hoseok's lips before smiling slightly "Don't ruin the moment" Yoongi removed his finger but was taken by surprise when Hoseok pulled him closer then pushed him down so he was lying flat. Feeling his hands being pinned above his head, he had a feeling that he wasn't going to be sleeping tonight.

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