Chapter Seven

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"He's really sick. I don't really know what to do. He's sleeping right now." Hoseok said, opening his door for Yoongi to come in I was hoping you could take him home or something" He watched Yoongi walk into the guest bedroom where Jungkook was and followed after him. "Does he have the flu?"

Yoongi shrugged "I think he's stressing himself" Yoongi walked over to Jungkook and felt his forehead before shaking his head "No fever. I'll take him home" Yoongi looked at Hoseok then Jungkook before carefully picking him up. Jungkook was heavy so Yoongi was quick about getting him to his car. He put him in the passenger seat and buckled him in and took his bag and phone from Hoseok and put them by his feet.

"Thank you, Yoongi. I wasn't sure if it was right to keep him overnight or not" Hoseok smiled slightly and looked at him "I tried to do a good thing at least"

Yoongi smiled before gently pecking his lips. "You did good, Hobi. I promise" Yoongi went to his car then glanced up at Hoseok "Do you want me to bring dinner over?" He smiled slightly when Hoseok said yes. He backed out of his driveway and drove silently until Jungkook spoke.

"You kissed him"

Yoongi glanced over to Jungkook who had his eyes closed. He looked back to the road before clearing his throat "Yeah..I did. Recently we got into a relationship.." Yoongi was waiting for Jungkook to say something but he didn't "That's why I dyed my hair. Just to have a sense of something new"

"How long have you had brown hair?" Jungkook asked and glanced over to Yoongi before turning slightly in the seat to talk to him and look at him.

"I've had brown hair all my life"

"So, You have been single up until now?" Jungkook asked and watched Yoongi's face when he said it.

"Heh. No That's not what I meant. I've had other relationships. What I mean is I've had my natural normal hair in all the other relationships I've had. I don't want this one to crash and burn so I changed it" Yoongi waited for Jungkook to say something but he didn't "Hoping just a small change will make the difference" Yoongi cleared his throat when he came upon Jungkooks house. He pulled into Jungkook's driveway and glanced over at Jungkook. "Do you need help getting out? I can carry your bag for you"

Jungkook silently thought about what Yoongi said before looking up at him. "I don't know the type of relationship you and Hoseok have but I do know that one small change will lead to bigger changes. He picked you because of you, not what you assume he wants out of a person. He loves you for you. Everyone wants just a little change when things don't work out but sometimes change isn't good" Jungkook went and grabbed his backpack then opened the car door and got out, he turned and looked back at Yoongi and looked down for a moment "Don't change, Yoongi. Even if it's dyeing your hair you want a sense of something is going your way and you have control over it but that's not always the case. I think I speak for Hoseok too when I say this: I want what's best for you, I want to see you happy and changing might seem like your happy but its just hiding what you really feel so don't change" Jungkook gave him a slight smile and looked up at him. "Goodnight Yoongi"

"G-Goodnight" Yoongi said in almost a whisper and watched Jungkook shut the car door. His eyes followed Jungkook as he walked around his car and walked up to the front steps where he took out a key from his bag and unlocked the door, walking inside and shutting it behind him. Yoongi looked down at his hands and frowned. He took a deep breath and shut his car off and rushed out of his car. He shut it behind him and ran up the steps to Jungkooks house. He stood at the door for a moment, nervous before knocking. He waited for what seemed like a long time and just when he was about to leave, the door opened. Yoongi looked at Jungkook and took a deep breath before suddenly hugging him. "Thank you, Jungkook. I needed to hear that" Yoongi pulled away nervously and looked up at him.

"Don't thank me, Yoongi. Thank yourself" Jungkook looked up at Yoongi and crossed his arms with a smile. "That's the exact same thing you said to me when I was upset about my teacher leaving. You said you didn't know what type of relationship I and my teacher had but you did know that I shouldn't change because he chose to be friends with me for a reason. I was mad and I thought that if I was mad that maybe you would be scared of me and bend to my will but that's not what happened. You said that you wanted what was best for me and that you wanted to see me happy and that changing might make me feel happy but it was just hiding what I was actually feeling" Jungkook took a step outside onto his porch and gently hugged Yoongi, a smile on his face when Yoongi hugged back.

"I care about you, Yoongi. You've helped and have been a big role in helping me feel better about myself and getting over my fear of change. My mother surely thanks you and so does my best friend. I'm happy" Jungkook pulled away and looked up at Yoongi before pecking his cheek gently. "I know you're taken but it just felt right to do" Jungkook smiled more brightly and went and stepped back into his house then turned and looked at Yoongi. "If you were to change then things wouldn't be the same. Don't change, please" Jungkook took a deep breath before nodding a bit. "Have a good night, Yoongi"

Yoongi watched and nodded. He didn't expect Jungkook to say all that. It caught him off guard but he could see where Jungkook was coming from. He walked back to his car silently and turned it back on. He buckled himself in before backing out of the driveway. On his way back to Hoseok's place he got Panda Express. When he pulled into Hoseok's driveway he turned his car off and unbuckled himself then grabbed the bag then went inside after locking his car. He walked inside and seen Hoseok curled on the couch watching TV, that was until he saw Yoongi and sat up with a bright smile on his face.

Yoongi walked over quietly and set down the bag after taking his shoes off by the door and gave Hoseok his food and took out his own. He ate a few bites but then poked around at his orange chicken. He glanced over at Hoseok who was happily eating and watching TV. Yoongi looked away before putting his food down and stood up. "I think we should stop" Yoongi looked at Hoseok who looked up at him confused. "I love you Hoseok, you know that but I don't think we were meant to be together like this" Yoongi looked away and sighed "You're a brother to me, not a lover. I'm...sorry I think we would just be better off as friends" Yoongi frowned and looked at Hoseok who looked away, finishing the food in his mouth before looking up to Yoongi with tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He walked around the coffee table putting his shoes on and opened the door and looked back at Hoseok who was looking at him. Tears managing to fall.

"Please don't leave, Yoongi. I know this was sudden and I know I took advantage of you when you were sad and feeling lonely. It was selfish of me to walk into your home and confess my feelings when you were already confused about liking Jungkook and if it was right or not but...I do love you, Yoongi. We have been best friends even before you moved out of your parents. I know you better than anyone else in our friendship circle. Please...give me a chance. You know I'll keep by your side even if you do leave me but I want to be able to be close to you all the time" Hoseok put down his food and grabbed a napkin and wiped his eyes. "Please Yoongi, Don't leave me alone"

Hoseok watched Yoongi and felt a wave of relief wash over him when Yoongi closed the door and took off his shoes. Hoseok's eyes followed Yoongi when he walked over and sat back down, pulling him close. Hoseok looked up at Yoongi, wondering why he wasn't saying anything but he didn't bother asking him. He felt Yoongi's arms wrap over him and this brought a smile to Hoseok's face. He nuzzled into his side and gently wiped his eyes and sniffled. "I love you Yoongi"

Yoongi glanced down at Hoseok before looking away for a moment and closed his eyes before tilting his head back. "I know"

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