Chapter Seventeen

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Jungkook opened his eyes slowly despite not wanting to, he wanted to keep sleeping but felt a hand run across his chest before wrapping around him. He glanced up at Yoongi who pulled him close. Jungkook's heart raced slightly seeing Yoongi's messy hair from last night. He moved the hair from out of Yoongi's face and kissed him softly.

Yoongi pressed his lips agenst Jungkooks and pulled him closer. He smiled and pressed a kiss onto Jungkooks forhead then laid down and rested his head agenst Jungkook's. He didn't say anything for a while, he was just thinking but when he did speak it made his heart beat fast. "I love you"

Jungkook smiled and looked up at him. "I love you too, Yoongs" Jungkook could see the love in his eyes and it made him happy. He kissed his nose before getting up and doing it slowly. This caused Yoongi to chuckle. "Hey, you can laugh all you want but this just means I get to lay down all day" Jungkook said as he headed to the bathroom.

Yoongi got up and got some towels from the hallway closet. "Right I forgot, its not like I took the day off to take care of you or anything" Yoongi set the on the bathroom sink and started the shower. "Come on old man"

Jungkook pouted and waved his finger at him. "You should really look in the mirror if thats the case, your like eighty years old" Jungkook said and watched Yoongi look in the mirror. He smiled before pokeing his stomach and got into the shower.

Yoongi grinned before joining him. "Even at eighty I bet I can still make you scre-" Yoongi looked surprised for a moment then smirked when Jungkook covered his mouth.

"Shush!" Jungkook looked down and blushed a bit before looking up at Yoongi. "Now help me clean my back"

Yoongi smiled and shook his head. "Whatever you say, your the boss"


Jungkook sat on the couch watching TV, eating baby carrots, and drinking banana milk while Yoongi was cleaning the living room. Jungkook hummed softly as he ate but jumped slightly when there was a knock on the door. His eyes grew wide slightly then looked at Yoongi who went to open it. He couldn't lie, he was half expecting Hoseok but instead it was a tall man with broad shoulders. "Yoongi?? Who is that?"

Yoongi wasn't expecting him to be there but he was. He invited him in then looked at Jungkook. "It's Jin!" Yoongi smiled brightly and shut the door after Jin was inside. "I wasn't expecting you to visit! what made you come?"

Jin glanced around for a moment then looking at Yoongi. "I left my job," Jin thought for a second. "Before you freak out, I got a job here, so I'm much closer!" Jin smiled then looked over at Jungkook and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you, when Yoongi came to visit, he wouldn't stop talking about you, it's nice to meet you!"

Jungkook felt uneasy and put his baby carrots down. "W-Well it's um nice to meet you too" He glanced at Yoongi then Jin before sitting up a bit. He watched Yoongi invite Jin to the kitchen for lunch and he sighed softly before looking down. He felt sick. He got up and went upstairs to get dressed into some pants and a shirt with socks. He grabbed his phone and texted Yoongi he was going to Taehyung's house. Jungkook glanced down at his phone when Yoongi texted back a confused emoji. 

Jungkook frowned slightly and nervously bit the inside of his cheek before going downstairs. He tried to get past without Yoongi seeing but jumped slightly when Yoongi called him. Jungkook slowly walked into the doorway and looked at Jin then Yoongi. "Yes..?" He said softly and looked down.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows a bit before moving into the living room and took Jungkook with him. "Are you okay? Why are you suddenly wanting to go to Taehyungs? Is it because of Jin?"

Jungkook sighed softly. "I don't..." Jungkook glanced away then looked at Yoongi. "I don't like new people. I have coped with change but it's different this time, he's your friend and I'm not used to having other people over other than Taehyung. I must sound stupid..."

Yoongi frowned. "You don't sound stupid, Jungkook. I just wanted to know why you didn't want to stay. Jin is very nice once you get to meet him, I can't and won't force you but I think you should try and make friends with him. He likes to sing and dance like you, maybe that's something you can talk about with him" Yoongi smiled.

Jungkook thought about it before gently kissing Yoongi's cheek. "I'll see you later, Yoongs" He went and slipped on his shoes before rushing out the door. He didn't want to hurt Yoongi's feelings but the thought of meeting someone new didn't sound great to him. He headed over to Taehyung's and knocked before walking in. "Tae?"

"Taehyung isn't home right now, he's out with his friend," Taehyung's mother said, looking up from her book then seemed slightly confused "Or maybe it's his boyfriend? He's only come around a few times, he's a nice boy"

Jungkook frowned before taking his shoes off and sat on the couch quietly and looked down at his hands. "Have you ever had a change in your life? you weren't used to and so you didn't feel comfortable being around the change" Jungkook looked at Taehyung's mother. "You don't have to share if you don't want to"

She chuckled a bit and closed the book and set it down before thinking. "Well...when Taehyung was younger he had a babysitter because I was busy working and so was his father. Apparently, that babysitter stole from us because..well we aren't exactly like the normal family I guess some would say. We had to fire them and hire a new one. I had liked the old babysitter because before I found out what they had been doing, they treated Taehyung very well"

She looked over to Jungkook. "The new babysitter treated Taehyung well and I guess Taehyung liked them. I would often come home from work, wanting to see Taehyung but he would throw a fit that I was home, he didn't want the babysitter to leave but instead wanted me to leave. I was hurt and jealous but I got over it because I realized that no matter how many times he would want me to leave, he still loved me more than that babysitter. 

Jungkook looked down for a moment before nodding. "Thank you, it has really helped me" Jungkook got up and went and got his shoes on. He quickly bowed and thanked Taehyung's mother again before leaving. He went back home and stood at the door for a moment before opening it. He walked inside and looked at the couch and seen Yoongi laying there. He kicked his shoes and went to him. "You'll never guess what I just learned"

Yoongi thought for a moment. "You learned how to knit? wait no...hmmm I don't know I give up, what is it?" 

Jungkook blinked. "That was super old of you to say...anyway I basically found out that it wasn't that I don't like new people, it's the fact its someone I don't know that's talking to you and that makes me jealous" Jungkook sat there proud of himself.

Yoongi's eyes grew wide but he smiled suddenly and hugged Jungkook tightly. "That's adorable!" Yoongi kissed his cheek and smiled more. "Your jealous of my friends" Yoongi sat up and had him sit next to him and planted a kiss on his nose. "You do know that Jin and Namjoon are a thing, right?"

Jungkook blinked and looked to the ground for a moment before looking at Yoongi. "I still don't like it when they are around you though. Sometimes people are too friendly and hug you and that just makes me wanna push them away from you"

Yoongi chuckled. "In the six or seven months we have been together If I have to say I learned one thing while with you, it would be that you would not push them away from me, you would attack them like the weird, adorable, fluffy rabbit that you are. Basically, if it came down to it, you would bite them"

Jungkook pouted. "Curse my teeth" He mumbled and hid his face into Yoongi's shoulder.

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