Part II. Chapter-36

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By the time I was back home, I was completely exhausted.

Still angry, but exhausted.

I looked up as I walked inside, not expecting to see Mercury sitting at the counter, eating a brownie.

We both looked at each other as I closed the door.

She looks tired still.

"I figured that since I said I was going to bake, I should actually do it." She said quietly, motioning toward a very large plate of brownies.

"It's almost ten at night."

She shrugged. "It's been a really weird day."

I nodded. "It has."

We were both silent for a few more moments.

"Do you-,"

"Are you-," We both said at the same time.

"You go first." I said.

She gave me a look that said 'I'm sorry.'

"Bad news or worst news first?"

Oh god. What now? I thought the worst part was over.

"Worst news I suppose."

"I-I don't really remember a lot of what happened. I just remember thinking Warren was in the room, and then freaking out, and then crying myself to sleep on you."

I sighed.

One thing at a time.

"I've been talking to a hell of a lot of psycho-analytical people."

"And?" She braced herself.

"Based on what I was able to tell them over the phone, they all think that you have Post Traumatic Stress and Anxiety." I said quickly, still not liking how it sounded.

Mercury furrowed her eyes.

Then un-furrowed them.

And then groaned before putting her head in her hands.

"I'm a basket case."

"You're not a basket case. You're just- you've lived through a lot."

"They're going to put me in a psych ward."

"They're not going to put you in a psych ward."

"They're going to give me a lobotomy because I see my dead step-father, who happened to be killed by my actual father, who I happen to see more as a best friend than I do a parent."


"Mercury, where did you see that people were still giving people lobotomies?"

"Doctors are going to stick one of those ice pick things in my eye and hammer it down." She continued groaning, her voice becoming muffled as she set her head down on her arms.

This kid.

"Alright drama princess, calm down." I walked over to her.

"I can't even keep a hair tie for two days straight, and now a piece of my brain is going to be taken out!"

"Ok, well, first of all, why would I ever let someone come near that mind of yours? And second," I took the spare hair tie that I always kept on my wrist in my teeth. "There's always going to be a hair tie for you around. Everyone knows by now to keep at least two on them." I gathered her hair into a messy bun.

The Girl At His Door [Parts I & II]Where stories live. Discover now