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  ^^Fun fact, this song was the inspiration behind Angelo, a mafia boss who you would last expect to have a daughter. Enjoy!


I already knew I had a large chance of going to hell.

But when I saw my reflection in the bathroom mirror, it just solidified my future after life.

I didn't know he bled out that much.

My shirt had taken the brunt of it, not only being covered in the dark red, sticky substance, but also with the bullet that was implanted in my arm.

For me, getting shot was never the hard part.

It was the extraction that I had to worry about.

There was a light knock at the door.

"Yeah?" I answered, still looking at my arm.

The door opened, and my mother walked in.

I wanted them to stay back in New York in case something went wrong. But, of course, they both refused.

"You look-,"

"I know. I just don't think you want to." I was quick to try to get off of it.

"I'll find out one way or another. Let me see your arm." she walked towards me.

"I'm fine mom rea-,"

"You call getting shot fine?" she rolled her eyes.

"Its not even a serious-,"

"Shut up and let your dear old mother take care of you like she has for the past forty years."

"I am nowhere near forty years old." I defended myself.

"Sure has felt like forty years."

I'm beginning to think I was the one who inherited her attitude.

"How do you feel?" she asked as she began working on my arm.

"What do you mea-shit!" I felt the burn of the open wound being sterilized.

"What do you think I mean? From what I can see, you look like you practically rolled around in your enemies blood! Come on, what does it feel like for it to be over?"

"With all do respect, It'd feel a lot better if you hurried up with this damn bullet mom." I groaned.

"Calm down, its almost out. You got lucky this time. Its only in an inch or two."

I have had worse.

"I should kill you." she muttered.

"Why this time?"

"I didn't say it was okay for you be subjecting yourself to this shit."

Back when I was about to become Boss, she was very against the idea.

"A little too late to worry about that." I reminded her.

"I'm a mother. Its my job to worry."

I still haven't told them, have I?

  "Speaking of Mother, turns out Mercury still has hers." I broke the news.

  "Is that a spiritual metaphor or something?"

I wish.

"No. Adaline is still alive."

    "What?!" She dug the tweezers in her hand way deeper than where they needed to go.

  "Fuck!" I groaned.

"Shit. Sorry. What the hell do you mean she's still alive?" She was quick to remove herself from my arm.

   "He never killed her. She's out there, doing god knows what without her daughter." I ranted.

   "So what now? Are you going to try to find her?" She returned to her task at hand.

    "Honestly, I have no want or need to see that woman." I explained.

  "And if Mercury thinks otherwise?"

I sighed.

I haven't gotten that far yet.

"I don't know. I guess if she wants to find her, we can. I'm just worried she'll pull some bullshit excuse."

    "It's a good thing to be worried about."

There was a searing pain, and then the sound of metal hitting the sink.

   "There. Wash all of that off and then cover it up."

  "I know how this works mother."

"Watch it young man. I have to go fill your father in on everything." She began walking out the door.

    That didn't take long.


  My whole body felt sore.

My limbs felt stiff.

And my head hurt.

    What happened?

I sat up slowly, trying to make sense of everything.

   I had to force my eyes to stay open, trying to fight the sleepiness.

   The only light coming in from whatever room I was in was coming from a large window, which looked as if it was facing a small town near the ocean.

  The sun had not yet shown itself, but it did make a light hue of the dark sky.

  As soon I was sitting upright, everything slowly flooded back to me.

  Oh my god.

The last time I woke up in a random room, I was with Warren.

   And the time before that, I was told my mother died.

  Well, I thought she was dead.

What happened to Angelo?

Am I still with Warren?

My mind was racing.

    Soon enough, my emotions got the best of me too.

  Did he kill Angelo?

Tears began to run down my face.

  I wanted to leave the room, but I was scared.  I didn't know where I was, or who I was with.

  I shakily brought my legs to my chest, and cried.

And I cried.

And I cried.

The tears wouldn't stop flowing, no matter how bad I wanted them to. 

There were too many possibilities.

  I had completely blocked out anything I could, so I didn't hear a door open.

  I didn't feel the bed dip.

But I did feel myself being pulled into a warm chest.

I immediately uncovered my eyes.

Around me were two arms.

Two large, tattoo covered arms that were usually clad in expensive suits.

   It wasn't Warren. Thank god.

It was my father this time.

   "Angelo?" I choked out.

                  "Please stop crying."


The Girl At His Door [Parts I & II]Where stories live. Discover now