Part II. Chapter-21

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It was around nine when I woke up the second time.

I left the two on the couch, tossing a couple of blankets over the two once they began to doze off.

I thought they would still be asleep.

So I definitely wasn't expecting Gino to walk out of the pantry.

And he scared the hell out of me.

"Holy shit. A little quieter next time neonata, god damn." Angelo groaned from the table after I yelped.

"I'm surprised you two are even up."

I watched Gino go into the fridge.

What the hell is he doing?

"Gino are you trying to poison someone?" I asked as he poured orange juice, a splash of vodka and some cayenne into a glass.

"Hangover cure." He grumbled. "Why do my ribs feel like they just got stabbed?" He asked before cracking open a raw egg into the glass.


"Apparently you two have a knack for getting tattoos while you're drunk. Especially Angelo. I'm not sure he's ever gotten one sober."

Ginos eyes widened before lifting his shirt up.

"Moms going to kill me."

"I don't have room for a tattoo." Angelo put his head back down on the table. "Although I do remember Gino screaming."

"Yeah, you didn't get away ink free either man." I turned the camera on on my phone before giving it to him.

"I was wondering when you would get your claim on me." He winced once he saw what was behind his ear.

"Woah, that was all you buddy."

"I've got my psycho ass baby mamas name on my neck, my psycho ass mother's name on one of my arms, I don't remember which, and my somewhat normal daughters initial behind my ear. Yeah- yeah, that sounds about right." He gave me back the phone.

"Alright," I turned around in time to see Gino add a few dashes of hot sauce to his concoction. "Cheers guys." He raised the glass.

He looked at the disgusting looking drink for a few moments.

"I'm going to go throw up." He set it on the counter before walking away.

"Great, now I have to be the one to pour that out." I grumbled.

Angelo stood up and hazily walked over to the drink, holding and looking at for as long as Gino did.

"Fuck it." He shrugged before downing the entire thing.

Oh that can't taste good.

"Wow." I gapped at him.

There was literally pickle juice and raw egg in that.

"Seasoned professional." He winked. "I'm going to take a shower. Make sure Gino doesn't start dry heaving."


"Mercury, just go to sleep." I sighed as I sat down on the couch.

"No, this is getting really good."

She had been binge watching some thriller literally all day.

"Mer, it's almost two in the morning."

Her eyes were close to closing every few minutes.

"Shh. I'm trying to figure out who killed their mom." She hushed me.

She's cranky in the mornings if she doesn't get enough sleep.


"If you're not tired, then lay down and try to stay awake." I challenged.

This is how my mother used to get Gino to sleep before the sun rises.

She eyed me before slowly laying down, her eyes still on the television.

Shit, she'll probably have my eye sight soon.

"See? Not sleeping." She mumbled, now looking even more exhausted than she did before.

Damn. Using my mother's tactics makes me feel older than usual.

"Still wide awake?" I shamelessly tormented her as soon as her eyes began to close.

"I'm awake. Just blinking." She said each word slower than the last.

"When you blink, you're supposed to open your eyes again." I whispered.

Luckily, there were no more answers after that.

I don't even think she knows that she fell asleep.

After turning off the show, I looked back at her.

This kid is going to be the death of me.

Before I knew it, I was playing with her hair.

    I swear it's getting curlier.

Another con of having her was that it also meant having a little bit of Adaline too.

   The both of them liked having their hair played with.

So now it was just a habit.

It's not often you see her so relaxed.

I didn't even stop playing with it when I felt cold metal being pressed to the back of my neck.

    Because I knew exactly who it was.

The Girl At His Door [Parts I & II]Where stories live. Discover now