Part II. Chapter-39

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I ignored the growling of my stomach as I sat on the counter, staring at the floor.

I couldn't sleep, so I walked down to the kitchen, somehow expecting to find myself a remedy in a cabinet.

   The drive back from the appointment was a quiet one.

What could either of us say?

Of course, we had both expected the diagnosis, but neither of us were ready to accept it.

   As soon as we got home, I said I was tired and went to bed early in the afternoon.

The only issue being that I couldn't sleep.

"Oh- I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" I hurriedly apologized once I saw my father walk in.

   "No you didn't. It's four thirty in the morning Mer. Have you slept?"

  I silently shook my head. "Have you?"

He shook his head. "I've just been silently screaming at the world in my mind."

     "I'm sorry." I grimaced.

"You don't have a reason to be sorry Mercury."

"Angelo, look at my life."

"What do you mean-,"

"My mother had me when she was around my age. She couldn't cope with me. And then my father comes along." I sighed. "This man runs the mafia, speaks and knows sign language in both English and Italian, and is an all around bad ass. But it turns out his kid has the mind of a seventy four year old war veteran. I'm sorry that I'm not a normal daughter."

It felt pretty good to have gotten that off of my chest.

I guess I just wanted to be normal.

"Do you think I would want you any other way?" He cocked a brow.

"Yeah. Preferably less- I don't know, traumatized?"

"Yes, that's the ideal for every child Mercury. Little to no trauma. And you're completely wrong if you think I would ever dislike or stop loving my child because of something that happened to you."

"Come on Ang. I know what you were like before I came along. You had fun with your life, and then you got stuck with me."

"I wouldn't call what I had before I life."

Yeah right. People would have killed to be him.

"Whatever you want to call it, it couldn't have been worse then what you ended up wi-,"

"Mercury enough."

"I ruined your life, at least try to have some resentment towards me."


"Angelo I am asking you to feel angry! Be pissed off at the world for putting you through this! Come on, hate someone, hate mom, hate me, hate something!"

He stared at me for a few silent moments after my outburst.

"I have been angry the moment you walked into my life Mercury. I have hated the world not because it's putting me through this, but because it's putting you through this and I can't do it for you. I have hated you're mother for causing this. I cannot hate you. There is no reason to."

"Anyone would hate the child that's Pandora's box."

"I don't know what you know about my life a few months back, but I know you know that I had many women around me, right?"

The Girl At His Door [Parts I & II]Where stories live. Discover now