Part II. Chapter-38

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"Why couldn't this have been done over a phone call?"

I was growing more and more anxious, my left leg moving up and down, my fingers drumming on my right leg, and my teeth biting the inside of my lip.

"She needs to actually see you to diagnose anything."

"We could have FaceTimed her."

"Human interaction is good for children."

"I've never liked people."

"Kid, I'm sorry, but you're not getting out of this."

Yeah, I had a feeling.

"I-I'm hungry. And thirsty. We should probably stop somewhere, I feel weak."

He looked at me before making a right.

"Oh you're hungry now? Not when I tried to make you eat something before we left? That's odd, because I'm pretty sure you don't get hungry when you're nervous about something."

Damn it, he knows everything.

"Well maybe I've changed."

"Right, so you won't knock on my door at eleven thirty and ask me to go pick up a large order of fries, an extra large cheese pizza, double cheese, and a soda?"

"That only happened once!"


"Ok, like three times."

Gosh, you do one thing a couple of times and then you have a record.

"Honestly, every time you go all day without eating, you eat almost the exact same thing I used to after I played a baseball game in high school."

"You mean when you were a stoner?"


"What? You said it yourself that-,"

"I used to smoke, I know." He rolled his eyes.

"A story from your youth would probably definitely make me feel better about this situation."

"Nice try."

That's probably the closest I've ever gotten.

"One day you'll give in."

"Mercury, you realize that I got someone pregnant when I was a kid right? Why would I ever tell you what I did in high school?"

"Why? To entertain your anxious daughter!"

"There's no reason to entertain, because we are already here." He pulled into the parking lot of a large, sleek building.

This looks like an enterprise, not a therapy appointment.

I looked up at it, the thought of walking into it making it feel like my heart was beating out of my chest.

I turned back to my father.

"This is going to help, right?"

I knew that question would never have a definite answer.

But I needed the reassurance.

"Yes, I think it will."

"Wow." I said as we walked through the building.

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