Part II. Chapter-8

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Screw it, early update.


"Wake up."

I scrunched my nose as the familiar tickles peppered their way on my cheek.

I feel like hell.

Instead of opening my eyes, I let out a groan.

I was too comfortable to move. Not too hot, and not too cold.

I was just perfect.

"I have to check your temperature." It was his second attempt.

   I still had no intention of moving from my position.

   "If you don't get better, you'll have to go to the hospital." He mumbled against my cheek.

Damn it.

I cracked an eye open, grabbed the thermometer, and put it under my tongue.

   "Just under 101." He sighed in relief as he checked the small numbers.

   "See? I'm telling you, the cold cloth always works." My grandmother shrugged.

   "I need to run out and get more medicine. Can you keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't crawl inside the oven?" I felt Angelo begin to stand up.

Not happening. Too comfortable.

"No." I groaned again as I held on tightly to his arm that was wrapped around me.

"It'll only be for a little while, I promise."

"You're warm." I argued.

"And I'll still be warm in an hour." He pressed a gentle kiss to my head before getting up.

I grabbed a blanket from the couch, shivering as I wrapped it around myself.

    I'm tired of being freezing.


   I never cared about what medicine I was buying.

   I had always just grabbed the strongest thing, and went about my day.

Until I had to start buying it for someone else.

   How the fuck are there so many fucking options?

I tried to ignore the usual stares as I browsed the selection.

   I had chosen to keep on a hoodie and sweatpants instead of a suit, trying my best to dial back the attention.

   I feel way too hellish for this.

"Mr. Lesca?"

I immediately gripped the gun I had hidden in my waistband.

I'm going to kill him.

Turning around, I came face to face with Nicholas.

   Today's not the damn day.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I rolled my eyes.

   "That's it? No murder threats? You're not going to take me outside and rough me up at-,"

"Keep talking to me like that, and I might."

"Sorry sir." He looked down.

I'm really not in the mood for work right now.

"I'm not in the mood to talk about your predicament, Conner."

   "Sir, I've got some questions about-,"

I cut home off with a hard stare. "I've got a sick kid at home, I'm not in the mood to talk about business."

   "Listen, about the other day-,"

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to." I waived him off.

   "With all do respect, I think your daughter needs to apologize as much as I do."

  Excuse me?

"Excuse me?"

"She slapped me. I was trying to defend her mother, and she slapped me. I think her and I need to be on common terms if I'm going to be her-,"

   "Her what?" I snapped.

He was intimidated, but didn't falter.

"If I'm going to be her stepfather." He sighed.

You can't kill him in public. You can't kill him in public.

   "You've got nothing to do with her." I reminded him.

"Well, if Adaline decides that she wants full-,"

"How would you kill a man?" I slung an arm around his shoulder, making it seem like I had known him for years.

   I cannot kill him in public.

But I scare him.

"What the hell Lesca?"

"You didn't answer the question, Nick." I tightened my grip on his shoulder.

    "I-I've never thought about it."

"Well, you have to start with the arms. Dislocate them."

He started to pale.

This is going to be fun.

"If he isn't already dead, go for the eyes." I was enjoying this way more than I should have been.

   "And then leave the tongue for last. It's always the bloodiest, but I must say, it's incredibly satisfying."

    "W-why are you telling me this?" He had defied the odds, and had quickly become an intensely pale shade.

   "Because, Nick. That's what I did to the last person that tried to take her away from me. And I'm most certainly not afraid to do it as many times as I need to." I pushed him away.

     "Yeah right. You wouldn't do that to Adaline."

He's right.

"No I wouldn't. But I'm going to do it to you."


I was tired of people threatening to take my daughter away from me.

   Before I could stop myself, I had grabbed his wrist, and in a quick twist, it snapped.

   "Shit!" He yelled inside of the pharmacy as he cradled it.

   "I wasn't joking." I grabbed his collar, making sure there weren't any people in the aisle.

"That child is mine. She doesn't belong to Adaline, and she certainly isn't yours. The next time I hear one of you say something about taking her away, it'll be a lot more than your wrist breaking."

I practically threw him away from me before returning to my task at hand.

   "You're a fucking sociopath!" He yelled in a whisper.

   "That's exactly why I need to keep her." I shrugged as grabbed a bottle of Robitussin.

           This should be good enough.


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