Part II. Chapter-20

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   I brought the box into my office, growing more apprehensive about opening it.

It can't be that bad, can it?

Sighing, I opened it.

There was nothing but three show boxes in it.

"What the hell?" I muttered to myself as I picked up the first one.


This can't be a game score, so what the hell am I about to look at?

I wasn't expecting for there to be so much inside of that one little shoebox.

    And I definitely wasn't expecting a pregnancy test to be the first thing I took out.

"12/4/04" it was dated.

The second thing I took out was a small stack of sonograms.

    "It's a girl!"

I felt a small smile grow across my face as I looked at the pictures.

It's hard to believe she was ever that small.

     The next thing to come out of that box was a small pink hat, followed by a picture of a baby actually wearing it.

    Holy shit.

I missed this?

   She was probably the most perfect looking baby I had ever seen.

   I took my time looking through that damn box.

   Through the finger painted pictures and the posted notes that read things like 'Her first swear word: Holy shit, it's cold! I told her that wasn't a nice word, and she said that it wasn't supposed to be nice because she hates the cold.' Her father would be proud.'

      The next shoebox was titled "School".

"To the parent of Mercury Dubois,

Your daughter is incredibly advanced for a six year old. I suggest she be moved from the first grade to the third or possibly the fourth.

I'm afraid her teachers have had enough of her correcting their answers.

Best wishes,

Principal Jones."

The note was followed by different types of graded papers.

   There was nothing below a ninety eight.

Her high school diploma even had a picture of a very, very short girl amongst eighteen year olds clipped to it.

    The next box had an interesting expression written on it.

   "To Angelo"

"Oh god, what now?" I mumbled.

Inside of it was nothing but a stack of letters, tied up in string.

"To Angelo,

Today, I found out I'm carrying a girl. At first, I wanted to name her something like Emily, or Addison.

And then I remembered what family she had come from. She deserves a name that can change a life.

If it were a boy, I would've named him Angelo.  Maybe Angela? No, I think that should be her middle name.

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