Part II. Chapter-14

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"Mer, are you ready to go?" Penelope asked as she grabbed her purse from the counter.

I hadn't been home in days.

Angelo said it was just to make sure that if anything happened in the first few days of them being here, I wouldn't be caught in the middle be caught in the middle of it.

So, I had been staying at my grandparents.

Not that I minded.

Gio enjoyed teaching me how to speak Italian, so I always knew a little bit more every time I left their house.

Not to mention that his favorite part was teaching me the swear words. No matter how much his wife yelled at him about it, he would just say that it's what grandfather's do.

As for Pen, she always made sure there was chocolate cake at some point during the day, so there was nothing to complain about there.

"I'm ready." I nodded as I put my coat on, the New York air becoming colder each day.

"Gio, darling, you're driving." She announced, followed be a low groan.

"Oh shut up. I had both of your children, you can drive when I tell you to."

"Honey, that's your excuse every time."

"And every time you have driven. Let's go." She hadn't been happy about the situation at home, and was very open about it.

"You won't even see them Pen." I reminded her.

"What? You want me to be courteous towards those people?"

"No, I want you to make sure that if you see them, the gun stays in your purse."


"In your purse. I don't even let Angelo use his in the house."

"I'd listen to her." Gio chimed in from the background.

"Thanks Gio."

"It's what I'm here for. Now, let's get this over with so I can make sure she doesn't start choking anyone out with her necklace. Again."

Is this going to be my future? Attempted murder?

The house looked the same on the interior and exterior.

There wasn't a sign that there were people living in the pool house, and there weren't any signs of an attack on anyone.

That's good. Right?

"Jesus, would you get the fuck out of my house?"

"No matter what you do, I'll find a way in. I've got a guy."

"I can literally murder you and your guy."

"Yeah right! Mercury wouldn't let that happen!"

They haven't even seen me yet, and one is already using me as a defense.

"You have your own apartment!"

"Your point?"

"Hi guys." I walked into the kitchen.

"My point is- Hey sweet girl- That you don't need to be here all of the time!"

"Oh please, like you wouldn't miss me. Mercury, wouldn't you miss me?" Gino turned towards me.

The Girl At His Door [Parts I & II]Where stories live. Discover now