Chapter 5

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"You're still wearing the necklace he gave you"

it wasn't a question, it was a statement- an observation. She didn't have to look down to know what he was talking about. She was wearing it, she always wore it. It was the most precious thing that she owned. It was a beautiful blue oval shaped stone that hang in a silver chain around her neck. She subconsciously clutched it in her hand. She might have wanted to forget a lot of things, but giving away the necklace was never an option. She wanted it to make her remember all the good moments that they had together. Phoenix had given it to her on their anniversary. "No, not now Hayden" she thought to herself, not wanting to get into all of that at the time.

"Yeah... bye Zach" and with that she was supposed to walk away with her head held high, but she probably looked more like a crooked old lady with the crutches handicapping her walking. She hadn't waited for Zach to say anything else.

Hayden tried to get her mind straight as she stood outside of Daniel's room. She could hear voices inside, so she figured that her brother was still there. She took a deep breath, not quite sure why she was so nervous. "Maybe because you're partly responsible for whatever injuries he's suffering with" a voice inside her head said.

"Oh shut it Hayden!" she opened the door after having a mini dialogue with herself. She was met with both her brother and Daniel looking at her as she made her way towards them. She gulped silently as she caught up on the fact that Daniel was lying in the hospital. Well, at least he was awake and not unconscious anymore.

"Hayden what are you doing here? You were supposed to stay in your room. For once couldn't you just listen?!" Hayden knew that Justin only had her best interest in heart, but he should stop for a minute and think about what he would have done if he'd been in her situation.

"I feel fine Justin, thanks for asking" she responded sarcastically. He sighed, and she knew what he was about to say so she stopped him with a single hand motion.

"I just came to check on how he was doing" she nodded her head towards Justin, making her hair fall in front of her blue eyes. She tried blowing it away, but had to use her hand to tug it behind her ear. "Any majure injuries?" she looked at Daniel for him to answer her. He sat up into a sitting position in the bed. His deep blue V-neck T-shirt clung to his biceps as he used his arms to pull himself up.

"Not really, just a concussion and an aching body" typical of guys to try and make it seem like it was no big deal. Hayden could see that he was hurting.

"Justin told me that you have a concussion as well, how you holdin' up?" Hayden didn't want to be the center of the conversation, she just wanted to go back home and go to sleep.

"Fine. How long do you have to stay here?" if she had do stay there for a while she might as well have someone else there to talk to.

"A day or two. Maybe three if necessary" he paused after that. It looked as if he was thinking about something. "Hey, are you being transferred as well? They told me that people with concussions will have to stay in the east end. Since you have a concussion as well I'm guessing you'll also have to go there?"

Hayden nodded confirming his theory. "Yeah, I'll probably have to go there tomorrow".

Hayden had made herself at home in one of the chairs in Daniels room, and it didn't take long before she felt her eyelids closing. She was so tired. Justin, Daniel and herself had been talking for quite a while, and without them even noticing she fell asleep with her feet resting on a wine red footstool. Or was it blue?

"Morning beautiful" his voice sent tingles down my spine. I looked into his beautiful light blue eyes. They reminded me so much of the ocean, making me love them even more. "Phoenix" his name sounded so right to say. He cupped my cheek with his hand and kissed me lightly on the forehead. "The waves are waiting for us, will you be ready in thirty minutes? I'll make you breakfast. Blueberry pancakes right?"

Clear as the ocean (Waves of clarity, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now