Chapter 10

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Hi :) This chapter is dedicated to all of you readers for making this book number 44 in adventure!! You're simply the best, and I appreciate your votes and comments so so so much :) Here is chapter 10, and I hope that you'll all enjoy it! Also, I was wondering which days you would like me to update. I'll make sure to put up a new chapter at least once a week, but which  would you prefer? Let me know in the comments :) if it's not too much to ask, then could u please vote if u like the chapter? It would really mean a lot, thanks! :)

Her mother had been very clear about checking up on her during the night, and they had agreed that she would come sometime in the middle of the night. Hayden drifted asleep to the calming sound of the wind outside. She didn't have any nightmares, only dreams that she could no longer remember in the morning, just as usual.

Hayden turned around to shield her eyes from the sunlight sneaking in through her window. She found the darkness she seaked as she hid her head in the corner with her face down in the mattress. An itch in her left leg reminded her of the sprain, and the support bandage that handicapped her walking. She could briefly remember her mother waking her up when she was sleeping the deepest. Apparently everything was fine, because she quickly fell back asleep. Her lips were dry, one of the negative sides of sleeping with an open mouth, not that she did it on purpose. She wet them with her tongue, and rubbed them together to make them soft again. Her morning breath wasn't usually anything to complain about, but not brushing her teeth the night before was most likely a bad decision.

Hayden wasn't sure what time it was when she finally managed to force herself out of bed, but it was much later than usual. She could tell by the fact that her entire family were already up and done with breakfast. She changed into a thin yellow summer-dress that reached above her knees, and but her hair up in a ponytail. Her necklace hang where it always did, and two simple ear-studs were placed in her ears. Her teeth were newly brushed as she sat down beside the kitchen table. There was sandwiches on a big round plate, which she grabbed one from. She took a bite of it, but put it back down when she realized that it contained onions. She was in fact allergic to those, but a small amount didn't matter that much. She placed them on the side of her plate, and continued with the rest of the sandwich. The lettuce was fresh and made crunchy noises a she chew on it. The tomatoes made it fresh and juicy, while the ham just plain and simple tasted good.

“Hey, are you up for a game of ping pong?” Justin basically shouted from outside the house to his sister who was still working on finishing her sandwich. They had a black ping pong table right outside their house that their father had made for them several years back. It had lots of scrapes and damages to it after many games of the two of them fighting for the title of the best sibling. The fact that they were almost evenly good only made it more exciting.

“Are you sure you're up for it?” she asked him playfully. She picked up her dishes and out them in the dishwasher.

He grinned at her,”I should be asking you that. You're the one on crutches you know.”

Hayden snorted very unlady like, “Yeah, well I can beat you on one leg. Besides, all I really need to be able to beat you is one arm and half a brain” he chuckled lightly, motioning for her to hurry up.

“I'm coming, stop being so impatient” she mumbled, probably too low for him to e able to hear.

“You ready?” Hayden asked him as she held the ball in her left hand, and the racket in her right. She was leaning slightly on the table to keep balanced, since her left leg was only an obstacle that was to no use.

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