Chapter 27

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Dedicated to @OnlyJustAMemory for believing in this book. I hope you all enjoy, and please let me know what you think in the comment section. 

PS: Votes are always appreciated :P

Hayden watched anxiously as Zach gracefully stood half way up on his board, teasing the wave with his gentle swings. She noticed that his fett were placed far away from each other, which gave him a steady center of gravity, making it harder for the forces of nature to put him off balance.

Zach did a couple of easy swings, and for a while there Hayden almost thought that he'd gotten scared. Of course that was exactly when he bent his knees and used his muscle to spin him three hundred and sixty degrees around. Amazingly enough he also managed to pull off a decent landing, though it should be metioned that it was a bit sloppy.

Hayden wanted to call out something like "great job" or "nice one", but the distance wouldn't allow him to hear her anyways. She could feel her heartrate speed up and her breath get heavier as the point of no return was getting closer. 

She had already spotted the way she would be going for, but her anxiety was starting to take over. Luckily she lived for those kinds of moments when she would really have to push herself, and that's exactly why when the wave got to a certain point she laid down on her board and started paddling for dear life.

All thoughts of fear and anxiety left her mind when she slowly stood up on her board, giving herself the time she needed to find the perfect spot for balancing. When that was all over and done with she allowed herself to enjoy the way the board felt underneath her, and subconciously a smile made it's way onto her face. She rode the wave with what could only be described as pure passion, and even snuck in a little layback snap to feist it up a bit.

When the wave was coming to an end, which by the way happened way too early, she simply jumped up with her board firmly placed in the palm of her hands. The funny dismount sent her underneath the surface of the water, five seconds passing by before she was once again supporting herself on her board. She climbed back up on it, which was actually way harder than you'd think, and took her time paddling towards the big rock where Zach was waiting for her.

Zach had a big grin plastered on his face, sitting on the rock with on hand on his board, and one in his lap.

"How amazing was that?" he asked while she was still climbing her way up, board in hand.

"Pretty damn amazing" she grinned back, shaking her head for some of the water to leave her hair. She noticed a small scratch on her leg, which she had probably gotten while climbing up the rock, but seeing as it didn't hurt one bit, she didn't bother thinking too much of it. A little blood never hurt nobody. Or maybe it did, but that's a different story.

For several minutes they both just sat there, enjoying the view and each other's company. There were birds flying high up in the sky, waves hitting the rocks and wind blowing in the trees. If she was to paint a picture of what she was seeing and hearing she would call it "idyll". To be honest that was the only word she could come up with that could actually do justice to the beautiful nature around them.

"I can't believe this" Zach suddenly said, staring out at the ocean.

"Can't believe what?" Hayden asked, unsure of what exactly it was that he meant.

He turned his head towards her, for a moment looking into her eyes.

"That we're both here, sitting on the rocks together like we used to. Surfing without a worry on our mind, not thinking about school, or work or the future. It's just us"

Clear as the ocean (Waves of clarity, book 1)Where stories live. Discover now