Chapter 13

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Chapter 13, I hope you enjoy! Please vote if you like it, it would mean a lot to me and would motivate me to continue writing :) Feedback is always appreciated :) Now read and enjoy! :)

Hayden ate an energy bar and took a drink of her water while she waited. It was barely past ten and she wouldn't even get to know when she'd be surfing before twelve. That meant almost two hours of waiting, and patience wasn't her strong side. Luckily she was at the beach, so she decided to go for a swim. She pulled off her blue shorts and put them in her bag. She wasn't afraid of leaving her things there because there were guards on the beach because of the contest. Also she would keep an eye on her bag from the water. She wouldn't go far, just take swim around for a while to have something to do. There were a lot of others who had the same thought and joined into the water as well.

Balls and frisbees were thrown around and the atmosphere was about as good as it could get. Hayden had joined a group of girls who were throwing a purple frisbees, and was currently receiving one from a tall dark haired girl. She caught it with her hands just above her head, and sent it to the girl to her left. They did this the entire time until it was twelve o'clock, and time for them to know which heat they'd be surfing in, and who they'd be going up against. “The girls who will be competing in heat one are number 34: Monique, number 28: Haley Gordon, number 16: Cornelia Miller, number 19: Anna Sophie Smith, and number 31: Georgia S. Fischer” Hayden was relieved that she wasn't going in the first heat, she'd rather be a little bit later on.

Hayden was neither in heat one, two, three, or four. Those who will be competing in heat five are number 13: Marie Holden, number 25: Patricia J. Richardson, number 23: Evelyn Heart, number 24: Hayden Campbell, and number 14: Andrea Quinn” Hayden listened carefully to what the woman had to say. She was in heat five which meant that she still had quite a while to wait. She knew who two of the other girls were; Evelyn and Marie. She had competed against both of them before. They were good, but she remembered that Marie used to mess up some of her waves, and sometimes get quite a low score. Evelyn on the other hand was a really surfer, with a cold head. On her good days she would definitely go home with a medal. She was going to do well, Hayden was sure of it. Then there were Andrea and Patricia whom she had absolutely no idea who were.

“Hayden, get over here”.

She turned at the sound of her name. Her eyes landed on a short blond with a big smile on her face. Cheery Cheryl was standing about thirty feet away from her, with a big slush in her hand.

“Hi Cheryl” she greeted.

“So heat five then? I'll be sure to watch. My sister is competing in heat three”

Hayden nodded slightly, showing that she was paying attention. “Have you seen the guys around here? They are H-O-T” she said excitedly.

Hayden smiled at that, because Cheryl was such a straight forward person. “I know” she said. And she had noticed, there were a lot of good looking guys there, but none of them really stood out.

“I see you were right, the shirt did fit you” Cheryl observed.

Hayden talked to Cheery for a while before walking over to the kiosk and buying an ice cream. She picked one with strawberry taste and made sure to eat it quickly, so that it wouldn't melt. She took her time walking back over to her things after having finished her ice cream. She took a sip from her water bottle, not because she was thirsty but because it was really important to drink a lot in the hot weather. Her trail-mix had remained un-opened so far, but her cravings made her open it. She grabbed a handful and pushed them into her mouth. The salty peanuts tasted better than ever, but unfortunately the chocolate in the mix had started melting. She got it all over her hand and had to use a napkin to get it off.

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