Chapter 3

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Not even thirty minutes later they were parking outside Pat's Pizza, stepping out of the car and walking towards the entrance. The diner was quite full, but Hayden soon spotted Justin's friends at a table in the corner. There were only two of them though, and since they were sitting at an eight seated table she figured that they weren't the lasts ones to arrive. She sat down next to Matt, an athletically built guy with dark hair and blue eyes. She knew him a little bit and greeted him when she sat down next to him. Her brother took a seat on the other side of the table next to a slightly shorter brown haired guy who she recognized as Peter. He was also built like a football player, but a little bit on the skinnier side.

Peter who was a really polite guy said "Hello Hayden, how are you?".

"I'm good Peter, thanks" was what Hayden offered back. They also greeted Jason and did that handshake thing that guys do. "So who else are coming? Any girls?" she asked. It wasn't that she needed there to be any girls there, but sometimes being the only girl could get a little boring. Matt turned towards her making there legs touch,

"Nah, not that I-no wait! Ginger is bringing his girlfriend!" Matt exclaimed, just remembering that there would be another girl. Hayden knew who Ginger was, but she had no idea who his girlfriend could be. She was a little bit relieved that she wouldn't be the only girl though.

A couple minutes and a glass of water later, the remaining people arrived. Ginger, as he liked to call himself, was walking with a petite girls beside him. She was a brunette with big brown eyes and a wide smile across her face. She looked like a really nice girl, Hayden thought. All eyes were on the couple except for Hayden's. She had spotted Daniel, the last one in the group, behind Ginger and his girlfriend. Daniel was truly a sight for the eye with his dark hair and blue eyes.

"What's up? Have you guys ordered already?" Daniel's eyes scanned the group, not really looking at anyone in particular.

"Nah, we decided to wait for your lacy ass to arrive" Matt joked to his friend, "How come you're always last? Is your watch broken or something?"

Daniel cocked his head to the side. He took as seat beside Hayden and wafted with his hand in front of Matt's face, obviously trying to make some kind of point. "Dude-" he began, but paused to look down at his wrist and then at Matt, "no watch". Hayden noticed both Justin, Peter and Ginger humming on the other side of the wooden table in front of. The girl whose name still remained unknown, tried to hide her light giggling, but failed miserably. Matt rolled his eyes, playing it off by saying "whatever man" and rolling his eyes while doing so.

Hayden kept looking from Ginger and to his girlfriend, waiting for her to be introduced. Ginger seemed completely oblivious to the fact that he had forgotten to mention who his date was. The guys sitting on each their side of Hayden kept blabbering on about some beach football game, and as weird as it sounds, none of them noticed as the waiter approached their table. "You ready to order yet?"

The conversation died as the waiter's presence finally was acknowledged. The tone of his voice revealed that it wasn't the first time he had asked, and Hayden felt embarrassed for herself and her group. How could none of them have noticed? There was seven of them for crying out loud! She snapped out of her thoughts as Daniel took the word, "Oh, right. Sorry man. Eh.. we will have-" he was hesitant while speaking, probably because they hadn't even discussed what they would order yet.

"Guys, what should we have?" he turned to the group waiting for someone to give him his answer.

"How about we just order two pizza's? One with ham and cheese, and one tropical with pineapple, mushroom and all that?" Hayden suggested, feeling bad for the young man having to wait for them.

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