Chapter 22

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 Only three days since the last upload, but oh well- lets read, shall we? ;)

And for those of you who are also reading my book "Attracted to danger", I will upload a new chapter one of these days :)

"Is that a threat?" she asked, fully aware of the fact that it wasn't.

"No! Aren't you listening? I'm trying to warn you here, Frank is coming for you". Hayden gulped nervously, subconsciously biting the inside of her cheek.

"I haven't done anything wrong. I didn't even say anything" she muttered quietly. The world just didn't seem fair at the moment. Her life had been like a full-on roller coaster lately, never standing still. Things like these were only supposed to happen in the movies, not in real life. It was the kinda thing you heard about in the news, but never quite took too seriously because it doesn't concern you. Selfish, but still true.

"I know you didn't, but that's just the way Frank is. If you talk, his ass is on the line, and trust me- he's not going to risk that". The husky side of his voice was coming back, bringing another feel to every word he spoke.

"So what are you saying? Is he going to kill me, is that it?". Hayden added a laugh to the end, simply because it all sounded so ridiculous. Of course he wasn't going to kill her. He had let her go the other night so he couldn't be too concerned about her speaking.

"Honestly? I don't know"

At first Hayden thought that it was just a really really bad joke, but when her eyes met him she could see that there was absolutely no trace of humor whatsoever.

"You're joking, right?" she asked, strongly fearing the answer.

All he said before ending the conversation and turning his neck on her was "He's unpredictable". And with that he walked away with his daughter still resting on his right hip, holding around her daddy's shoulders with her tiny hands.

Hayden left the beach shortly after her encounter with Ray, and this time she was even more confused than she was the last time. Could she really have a brother that she didn't know about? If that was the case, then did Justin know? No, he couldn't. Justin was the worst at keeping secrets, he wouldn't have been able to keep it in.

One thing was for sure, she was going to find out. If Ray, the tall and skinny mafia drug addict was her brother, then she surely needed to know. He had a daughter for Christ's sake, he couldn't keep living like that. What some people just failed to understand was the fact that their actions influenced the people around them as well. If he ever got on bad terms with Frank he muscle machine- like she apparently had- then little Eleanor wouldn't be safe either.

The next morning she woke up feeling better than he had in a long while. She had decided on confronting her parents about the whole Ray- issue, and for some reason that made her feel better. Perhaps she just needed to get everything off her chest. Her shoulders were getting seriously injured from carrying so many problems. Like, for real though, all the mental stuff was affecting her physically. She would have t go out surfing later that day to make sure that she still had what it took. The big competition was only about a month away, and if she wanted to place among the best she would have to improve some things.

Not bothering to look through her closet, she just picked up a t-shirt from her overdressed floor, and paired it with her black jean shorts from yesterday. Not even bothering to brush her teeth, she simply just cleaned her teeth, washed her face and then headed downstairs.

"Fuck!" she shouted in agony as her foot slipped and scraped against the stairs. Luckily she didn't fall, but he back of her foot hurt like hell. "Watch it Hayden" she could hear her father's voice from downstairs, always making sure to catch her when she cursed. Hayden rolled her eyes and continued going downstairs. Considering it was a Saturday, both of her parents were at home, though she suspected Justin still being asleep. That might just be for the best though, because she didn't want him to hear when she asked about their supposed older brother.

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