Chapter 32

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Happy reading!

Somewhere along the ride, Hayden had slowly drifted off to sleep. For the Next couple of hours all she could hear was a really low summing noise coming from the people around her, or so she assumed. It wasn't a peaceful state of sleep, but rather the kind where you were trying to stay awake, but your head kept falling down. In the end she just couldn't fight it anymore, and let herself drift away.

An unknown amount of time later, Hayden started blinking in order to open her eyes. She wasn't certain how long she'd been awake for, but the change of scenery outside told her that it had been for quite a while.

Hayden used her tongue to wet her dry lips, and rubbed her eyes With her knuckles. She could see that Brody had fallen asleep in the passenger seat, but wait? How come she was seeing him from this angle? Where exactly was her head at?

Hayden immediately pulled away from the warm shoulder she had been sleeping on.

"Morning sunshine" Phoenix joked from besides her, obviously humored by the fact that she'd managed to fall asleep on his arm. Why couldn't she have fallen asleep on Zach's instead? Damn her stupid body falling to the left instead of the right.

"Sorry" she muttered, making sure that she hadn't drooled all over his shirt. Luckily she hadn't.

"Where are we?" Hayden asked, not directing her question at anyone specific, just whoever felt like asking.

"Just an hour or so away Can't really remember what the last sign read" Vienna answered her With only one hand on the Wheel while murdering a Whole bag of Worms. Gummy Worms that was.

"Did you have a Nice nap?" she asked, making eye contact through the Mirror on her right.

"It was alright"

"I bet"

Hayden glared up at her friend, not feeling like responding.


Four hours later they were all unpacked in their hotel rooms and ready to go out to eat. Hayden's parents had invited them all out to eat- including Justin. Her friends had been up for it the second they had asked, but Hayden on the other hand wasn't sure how it would go.

"Alright, so it's settled- we'll be eating at Nando's. It seems to be the only place everyone will find something to eat" Stacy said, informing the entire Group.

"Coll miss S, looking forward to it" Vienna responded, smiling up at the middle aged woman.

Hayden shook her head lightly while chuckling. She had never understood why Vienna insisted on calling her mom miss S. First of all she was married, so shouldn't it be Mrs.? And second of all, it just made her sound so young. Her mother was not young, she was in her late forties for crying out loud!

"Shall we go then?" Howard suggested, nodding towards the exit.

"Yeah, lets go" Justin answered, pulling a white sweater over his head. The weather was nice enough, but the temperature was quite low compared to the average.

"Shotgun!" Zach yelled with a triumphant smile on his face, directed at Brody.

"Zach, the restaurant is right around the corner. We'll be walking, not driving" Hayden explained to him, watching his face fall as she did so.

"Damn, what are the chances?" he muttered.

"Quite big if you think about it" Vienna answered, even though it was a rhetorical question.

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