Chapter 4- Questions That'll Never be Answered

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A part of me was relieved he had left. Another part was wondering why that upset him so much.

Maybe he's just been having a bad day

I told myself trying to calm myself down. I shook it off and went on doing my homework.

But Zain was in the back of my head. I couldn't figure this guy out. And I couldn't rap my head around the importance of the photo. What could be so sentimental about an old photo?

I did my normal routine of taking a shower, eating, doing homework, but I couldn't get Emerson out of my head. I missed him.

Zain was so mysterious. He was so difficult to read. I liked figuring people out, but with him it would be doing the impossible.

I liked seeing the good in people, but it isn't the easiest thing to do. I thought it was strange that I'd known who Zain was for a long time, but I didn't know the first thing about him.

I wanted to say he was just one of those people who looked dangerous but was harmless, but he wasn't. He was dangerous, very dangerous.

I always thought that people like that were in pain and you could see it in their eyes. With him though you couldn't see it. You couldn't see anything in his eyes.

He was a darker individual I knew that. He was the dangerous bad boy that girls went crazy over. I couldn't see it though.

I was probably the only girl he couldn't have. I saw nothing in him. To me he was ignorant, dangerous, and someone I should stay away from. And that was something I had no issue with.

I went to sleep thinking about him. The next day at school I saw him around with Megan. She always wore too much makeup and jumped into bed with just about every guy. Every time Emerson was in trouble she was there to bail him out.

I rolled my eyes at them. He stared me down with intense almost lustful eyes. Megan scoffed and turned his face to her kissing him jealously. I shook my head at her stupidity.

I never understood why some girls needed a guy. Of course I'm the complete opposite, so I guess I didn't really need to get it.

I walked in the school to my locker meeting Lacy by my locker. She looked more refreshed than yesterday. I opened my locker not saying anything to her.

She looked at me waiting. She slammed my locker shut making me look for her. "Whats wrong?" She asked me concerned.

"I had to tutor Zain yesterday. It didn't go well." I said sighing.

"What happened?" She asked me pressing for more. It was hard to explain what I'd yet to understand.

"I found a picture in his bag and he freaked out." I told her plainly. I rolled my eyes turning around. I slung my bag over my shoulder and started walking to class with Lacy by my side.

"Did you see him with Megan?" She asked me probably about to inform me on some juicy inside information that only a select few knew. I nodded waiting for her to continue. "They're official again."

"I guess she feels the same way I do." I said thinking out loud.

"What?" She asked completely taken off guard.

"He's very alluring, captivating." I explained shortly not sure how to put it.

"What do you mean?"

"His eyes bring you in. As a matter of fact his whole aura brings you in. It's strange though because all you find is emptiness. He's dangerous in a strange way. He's almost immortal. The way he brings you in isn't human." I explained trying to figure a way to translate my thoughts into words.

If only I knew the idea wasn't too far fetched.

We continued to walk around the senior side. I saw Zain come around the corner with Megan. His eyes weren't on her, they were on me. His eyes dug deep into me trying to figure me out. It sent a shiver down my spin. It was very unsettling.

Megan seemed to notice that he wasn't paying attention to her at all. She scoffed looking at me as she kissed him forcefully. I rolled my eyes at her stupidity while Lacy laughed.

I made my way to English and sat in my normal seat. Not too long after Zain walked in with Megan.

He sat down next to me and I took the opportunity to apologize about yesterday. "Zain, I'm sorry I didn't mean to be noisy or anything. I just came across it and-"

He interrupted me saying, "It's fine, Ellis." I nodded as the bell rang and I started my work.

The way he said my name was strange. His voice was undercoated harshly, but his voice softened slightly when he said my name. I shook it off as nothin continuing to do my work.

Megan was sitting with Brittany and Amy talking about God knows what. She kept looking back at Zain and making a flirty face. I'd roll my eyes each time.

I noticed Zain kept looking at me. He always looked at me with the same expression, cold, but still trying to figure me out. I hated it. I never looked back at him until Megan walked over next him.

Her body overflowing with jealousy. "Why do you keep looking at her?" Megan's tone was so jealous and full of rage. Zain shook his head looking down at his paper. But oh darling Megan wouldn't let go that easy. "What does this bitch have that I don't?" She scoffed looking at me.

I looked down at my paper letting her get away with it. Sadly, I'd always been that way. I let people walk all over me and say mean things. I could never stick up for myself.

But Zain wasn't going to have it. He stood up and slammed his hands on his desk looking at her with dark eyes full of rage. He looked like he was about to attack her. "That's enough, Megan. Go sit down." His voice was low and dangerous. She did as she was told.

I looked down at my paper wondering why of all people he stuck up for me. It made no sense. I was nobody, and he was the complete opposite. Before yesterday I wasn't sure he even knew my name. This whole situation makes no sense.

Even the way he treated me from the beginning was strange. Zain always had an angle, but I never understood what he could've gotten out of me. I guess there are things we'll never get the answer to.

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