Chapter 6- The Picnic

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We walked outside of the lifeless mansion that was covered in plants. The place looked like a castle for a king, but it belonged to Zain. It was completely remote. It was the in the middle of the forest. He brought me to the end of the woods and I saw something I didn't even know existed in this area, a creek.

He had an old table out by the creek. He pulled out my chair and looked at me without saying anything. He kept his usual hellish expression by now I was used to it. I smiled and sat down thanking him. He sat down across from me staring into my eyes deeply. His expression wasn't the normal bitter and harsh expression, now it was more curious and mysterious it wasn't much kinder, but it was something.

"What do you have planned?" I asked curiously keeping my smile hoping he'd lighten up a bit for once. He sat up straighter looking at the creek licking his bottom lip thinking quietly to himself.

He looked back at me shrugging, "I figured since I keep you locked up all day, I'd let you get some fresh air." I nodded and looked down and he asked me almost immediately, "Why do you always do that?"

I looked back up at him with my eyebrows furrowed not knowing what he meant. "What?"

"You always look to the ground when I'm around." He explained staring at me with intense eyes. His expression went hard waiting for an answer. I looked to the ground trying to think and he was quick to have something to say, "There you go again."

I looked up at him with gentle eyes trying to calm him down. He seemed a bit hurt that I had a habit of looking to the ground when he was in my presence. My voice was soft trying to get him off of defense as I told him simply, "You're intimidating."

He tilted his head to side narrowing his eyes at me. He observed ms closely and I decided to fight the urge to look down to calm him. He had, after a moment, slowly nodded his head responding, "Not the first time I've heard that."

It was silent again and I guess he didn't bring me here to experience the same silence we did when we were home. He sighed saying, "You know the picture you found in my bag a few years ago?" I nodded wanting him to continue. He stared back at the river and he continued with a low voice, "They met here."

"Who's they?"

He looked back at me responding, "Timothy Hanson and Janice Coldman."

"Why do they sound so familiar?"

He looked at me slightly irritated and I shut up quickly sitting up straight in my chair. "One story at a time." I nodded obeying. He sighed deeply then continued telling his story, "They were childhood sweethearts. Janice grew up in an abusive home. Tim was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. They depended on each other. As they got older they got closer. When they were sixteen they ran off together. Cliché I guess."

"But the picture showed..."

"Timothy was immortal. He was angel and was sent to protect her. He was never to fall in love." He stated lowly and bit more bitter than usual. He seemed angered by the tale.

"So, what happened?" I asked him and he stared with icy blue at the creek.

"He was taken. He went back to his dimension. She was left alone, shattered, and broken." He finished with his face showcasing all the anger and bitterness.

We sat in silence and I kept fanning myself because the heat was ridiculous. I got up out of my seat and slowly made my way to the creek. Zain was looking at me confusedly. The water was up to my waist and I splashed the water around carelessly. Zain just stared leaning on his elbow. He didn't understand the meaning of doing something just to relax. He was an intense man.

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