Chapter 9- An Old Friend

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I pulled my chair to the window just watching the birds fly around. Freedom. "Don't take it for granted." I whispered wishing I didn't as a salty painful tear fell down my cheek.

I felt his presence near me. I didn't turn around not need confrontation. I felt my souls deepest rage arise. "Leave." I demanded aggressively. All I wanted was to be left alone. I wondered what was so hard about that.

My whole life had become just one big negative experience after another. It was so tiring. The feeling of losing control is what causes the heart to break. That's why we're all power hungry and greedy. At least that's my theory.

I stuck my hand out the window feeling the wind move right past it as it didn't matter. It was only a road block in its adventure.

"Why?" His voice was soft and gentle, but I knew even with my back turned he was still at his games. Even though he's dead. I turned around seeing Emerson. His iconic smirk plastered on his face.

His messy brown hair was all over the place as usual. His blue eyes shined even in the afterlife. His black skinny jeans had dirt all over it. His white had rips and tears in it, along with it being covered in dirt and blood. I looked at his lips remembering them. I remember it all. All the bloody nodes and black eyes, his playful manner, all the sweet and reassuring words. Everything.

He stood in the far corner of my room that I rarely visited. I always felt something cold over there. I knew something sick was haunting that corner. I scoffed looking back at the window, "Even when you're dead you still can't follow orders. Typical."

"Even when you're just a lonely soul you're still a bitch." He walked closer beginning a new round of his game. He knew I was traumatized by his presence. He ruined everything. I snapped my head in his direction watching his every move, studying his steps. He chuckled amusingly. "So, tell me, what's it like to be an owned soul?" He asked taunting me with a question he knew the answer to.

I couldn't stand it. I refused to speak and even acknowledge him anymore. There's was simply no point. I look back out the window studying the stars alignment.

He waited for a moment before continuing, "You know, Ellie," I cringed at the nickname disgusted, "I couldn't help but notice you don't seem too happy here."


"All I see is tears. All day. Emptiness."


"Of course, you've always been like that. I would've thought you'd grown up a little bit over the years."

"You have no right!" I whipped around seeing him towered over me. I looked him dead in the eye the fire inside of me blazing and becoming gradually out of control. "You're a monster! All you ever do is cause pain! You shatter everything you touch, including me! I'm happier here than I ever was with you!"

His eyes held a certain madness that sent a chill down my spine. His smirk disappeared and his emotionless and ruthless side showed it's self. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them behind my back as I gasped. He leaned down and whispered in my ear evilly, "You belong to me. Don't you ever raise your voice at me. Understand?"

"Get out! I hate you!" Everything after this is all mixed up in my head. Everything became blurred. I remember I ended up on the ground somehow. Zain came up and tended to me. He just laid in bed with me until I feel asleep.

I just remember thinking 'It's over'.

Ching! The cashier opened and I grabbed the correct amount of change handing it to the teenage girl. I'd seen her many times before, but somehow every time she still managed to treat me as a lesser individual.

I'd worked at this coffee shop for over a year. Everyday I came I managed to hate the people in this town more and more. There was no such thing as blending in. There was always someone watching ready to catch you slip up. If you weren't perfect, you were looked down upon.

I saw a skinny brunette guy walk in and something felt off. He wore a nasty scowl that made everyone look away immediately. He wore ripped black jeans with a graphic T-shirt that probably said some band I'd never heard of.

He walked up to the counter ordering a tea. His blue were magnetic drawing you in. I was captivated by the way he held himself. I looked down at the counter after I was able to finally stop staring.

Everyday he'd come after school when I started my hours. It was never too busy around that time, so we'd make small talk while he waited. The barista who made his drink would always give him her phone number.

Sometimes I wonder, what would've happened if a few moments in time never happened. Would we be in a completely different place? I doubt it would be the same. At least I hope it wouldn't be.

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