Chapter 3- Strange

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^^^^^the photo

Not edited

We walked to the parking lot and we stopped in front of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. I stared at the motorcycle then at Zain. He started laughing at my scarce reaction.

"Um, I think I'll walk home." I told him walking away. He grabbed my arm and spun my around giving me a helmet. "I told you, I'm walking."

"Come on. Why are you so scared?" He asked me chuckling. I didn't find humor in the subject. That motorcycle looked like a death trap, a death trap I wasn't going near.

"My house isn't far, I can walk." I told him, but he still wouldn't release my arm. I rolled my eyes and tried to loosen his grip. It didn't work though. He looked up at me burning whole in my skull. His expression was cold and sent shivers down my spine. Being around him was unsettling.

"Just get on the motorcycle." He ordered me lowly. My breath hitched. I grabbed the helmet from him hesitantly. He sat on and I sat on slowly. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

We sped off from the school. The wind was making my hair go wild. It felt like freedom. I gave him the directions by just pointing. I was too scared to say anything or do anything.

We stopped at my in driveway, but I still wouldn't let go. He grabbed my wrist gently and untangled them from his waist. I got off trying to reassessed gravity and it's hold on me.

I walked up to my house and unlocked the door. My parents weren't home as usual, so we'd be alone. I wasn't looking forward to it.

He walked in behind me and took in his surroundings. We walked up the stairs and went into my room.

My room had white furniture, a sky blue and purple bed spread. My curtains were pulled back letting in the light.

I sat on my bed and he sat beside me still giving me that cold expression. He was staring me in the eye searching. He was trying to figure me out. There's wasn't much to figure out though. His stare sent shivers down my spine.

I turned my head and started digging in my bag for my English stuff. He continued to stare at me. I avoided his wonderful stare by continuing to dig in my bag. I knew I had to stop after a few minutes.

The scary part was he kept his gaze on me the entire time. I was a bit unnerved by it. I looked at him with my eyebrows knitted together and a complete look of confusion.

I stared into his brown eyes. They almost sucked you in immediately. I searched for some kind of emotion. I found nothing. I just found emptiness.

I would think that meant he was sad about something, but his emptiness was different. He looked inhuman. He was hollow, just a shell type of empty. Like a snail grew too big for the shell, leaving it behind in the sand not caring what happened to it.

I broke the staring contest and put my head down looking into my lap. His expression was no longer cold, but yet more amused and fascinated. I was really starting to wonder about his well being, more his metal statice than anything.

"Where are your parents?" He asked curious. I would expect him to ask.

"My parents work a lot. I really don't see them." I explained shortly. It felt like I'd said this too many times before.

"Oh, um wheres your bathroom?" I pointed to a door a few rooms down. He walked out of the room calmly and cooly.

"Wait, where's your English stuff?" I asked and he turned around with a stone cold face.

"It's in my bag, you can get it." He told walking into the bathroom.

I turned back around and grabbed his bag searching for the English notebook. His bag was a compete mess. I searched and then I found a picture.

The picture had a man and women on it. They were in each other's arms kissing sweetly as he started turing into Ravens. The picture wasn't a normal picture at all. It was captivating and made you want to know more. This picture really was worth a thousand words. It seemed to be quite old.

Then why does he have it?

The picture was snatched out of my hand by Emerson. He looked a bit started and worried. He cold expression gone. He put it down and looked into my eyes digging for some unknown treasure.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He growled lowly at me. The old Zain was back but ten times scarier. I shook my head not able to get the words out. "You don't just go digging through other peoples things." He scolded anger riding on the tip of every word.

"I'm sorry, I was looking for the English notebook, but I came across this and It was just very intriguing." I explained trying to get him to calm down.

He shook his head and grabbed his stuff slinging his bag over his shoulder. "I've got to go." He said walking out the door.

I followed behind him out my door yelling at him, "Zain, I'm sorry I didn't know it was that important." He didn't say anything. He just left slamming the door behind him.

A part of me was relieved he had left. Another part was wondering why that upset him so much.

Maybe he's just been having a bad day

I told myself trying to calm myself down. I shook it off and went on doing my homework.

But Zain was in the back of my head. I couldn't figure this guy out. And I couldn't rap my head around the importance of the photo. What could be so sentimental about an old photo?

I laid alone in my bed recalling the memory that probably started it all. I knew that was probably the reason why he chose me as his victim. He was a terrorizer and it felt like he wanted to inflict pain. I stared blankly having too many emotions, but feeling so numb.

Zain could bring out every emotion in me. He made me do things I was afraid of doing and he taught me things about life that I was oblivious to. In a way I guess that's how he showed his love. But it could never erase the terror he'd caused me.

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