Chapter 10- Nightime Adventure

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My eyes flutter open. Nothing new. A daily occurrence. I just felt cold, meaning Zain was still in my bed. His arm was wrapped around me like he always had it, as if it was the last time he'd hold me.

I managed to untangle the beast and headed over to my window sitting in my chair looking at the stars. It was only one a.m. causing the stars to shine bright. I always had a weird fascination with them like they held something that I could never hold. But now I had a new meaning, they had freedom.

I always woke up at least once in the night. Sorry, there's no explanation. Just because I simply don't have one. I'll leave it to your own conclusions as to why.

The tree branch was blocking my view of the sky, it was irritating. This was my view of the outside world, a tree. Zain never wanted me to leave the mansion; little did he know I did it often.

I made an impulsive decision to go outside and get a view of the starry sky; almost as if my body yearned to get a better view. I slowly creaked my way down the stairs attempting to be as quiet as possible. 'I wonder how old the mansion is' I quietly thought to myself.

I made my way outside and it was deadly silent. Almost like the land was watching me. I sat down by the lake underneath the tree and I felt at peace for a moment. Key word being moment.

I saw a young women across the lake. She couldn't have been older than twenty two. She had short finger curled blonde hair in a bob. She wore a black lace dress and red lipstick. Her blue eyes were purifying.

She smiled a smile so pure and enchanting that it gave me the impression she was immortal. She had to be. She waved and then walked away into the woods leaving me paralyzed with shock.

"Wait! Ma'am wait!" I called out my curiosity snapping me back into reality. I was desperate to know what this magical creature was. She couldn't be real, right?

I ran behind following her lead. All the branches and limbs abusing my body. I saw her completely unscathed giving me more motivation to run after her.

I started to see it getting brighter, going from complete darkness now turning into somewhat seeable, or maybe it was my eyes focusing. My curiously and determination once again proving it was a flaw as I tripped over a tree root.

I was now completely out of the woods. The moon now giving me light; a full moon in fact. I remember my sister, Justine, say that whenever there was a fool moon something astonishing was going to happen. Someone somewhere was going to have one of the most memorable nights of their lives.

What I saw in front of me was a grave yard. A huge cemetery that probably had over a hundred graves. A hundred stories and secrets buried six feet underground. Sorrow, was all I felt.

The women was gone, confusing and complicated yes, but I moved onto something entirely different now that sparked my interests.

A graveyard.

Tombstones were all around me engraved with their name and a quote that supposedly could sum up their whole lifetime, but how can that be? I never understood that concept you can't put someone's life into a single sentence, not without giving the full story.

The graveyard had to be at least a few acres. The grass was dry not helping the spookiness of the grounds. Some plots didn't even have grass, just dirt.

Joseph Tallinn. May Quentin. Zander Phenix. Some of the names of those buried here. Marcus Wahlberg. Alexandra Hendricks. Ina Berg. The list went on and on. I think you don't realize the impact a single life has on others. You don't realize how much they've lost. It becomes difficult to sympathize when it isn't you. . . until it is.

My gravestone.

Ellis Franklin
May 28 1998 - August 17 2014
An enchantment leaving a mark on what she left behind.


For a moment that's all I could do. Each day I spent here I became more and more paralyzed with anger and frustration. My heart chipped off a piece of my innocence as my brain slowly gave away my sanity.

After the shock past a horrid scream escaped my mouth. Collapsing to the ground I held my head in my hands. He was taking away everything from me. He would be the end of not only my life, but my soul and a chance of another lifetime. It couldn't of been much farther away.

I felt his cold wrap around my body. He was shaking with not only anger, but sorrow. He couldn't decide if he was upset I found the gravesite or was sorry for it.

I pushed him away yelling, "Don't touch me!" He sat next to me with his normal blank expression. He didn't know his next move nor did I. All I knew though, I would get him back. He would feel all the pain he caused me if it caused me my lifetimes.

He stood up towering over me. He was a dominant force in the world of all good and evil. He walked away his wings disappearing from his back. He left me there all alone. He wasn't the only one who couldn't figure out how he felt.

I laid there for awhile. I can't decide how long it was. It could've been a few hours or possibly even a few days. All I know is I fell asleep next to my gravestone. The loneliness was far more prominent than a "normal" day.

I woke up and the sun was shining for it didn't see what the moon did. Zain and I's nights were a cross between a horror and romantic movie. Which now that I think of it, I never saw a movie like that, I mean I was alone alive for 16 years.

Every time I woke up I forced myself to fall back into the world of fantasy and dreams come true. I didn't have to worry for I had control over that world, it had nothing in common with reality.

Eventually Zain came to check up on me. He sat down next to where I laid as if his presence wasn't a bother. "It's time you get up."

"Who made you my father? Oh, wait, sorry I completely forgot, you probably killed him for your own satisfaction." I looked him dead in the eye revealing my hatred for his existence.

He chuckled not bothered. "Come on, Ellis, get up." He had spoke nonchalantly with that damn smirk. It was an aggravation that burned in my core.

"No thanks." My voice was dry woven deeply with anger. I could feel the Devils presence coming alive in him. The frustration was radiating off of his body.

"Ellis, get up. Now." He ordered me around like a child. I had no comparisons to a child. They were full of life and held a joy that I always buried deep inside locked in a secret chamber.

"No. Thanks." I turned and laid my head down facing the opposite direction.


"Why is it that you must say my name every time you talk to me? I mean there's no point." I asked him turning back to him annoyed of hearing my name.

"You're acting like a child." He gritted his teeth speaking through a clinched jaw. He wanted to appear threatening like an animal on the defense. He got off the ground staring down at me.

"Get off your high horse." He put himself on a this pedestal like he was a ruler of the universe.

"Remember what happens when you anger me, Ellis? I don't think you quite recall what I'm capable of." He circled around me like a snake. He was a venomous creature, he might as well of been a damn snake.

"Do it."

He stopped right in his tracks taken back by my tone. I didn't hesitate. I meant it. "What?"

"Go ahead, put away with my soul, like you did with Dorothy and Walter. It's gonna haunt your soul for the rest of your existence, remember?" I mocked him in a deathly tone. I got off the ground looking him dead in the eye holding my ground, "You're the one who will pay the price for your sins, not me."

He stood there speechless. Dorothy and Walter were a beyond sensitive subject. Usually when I brought them up he'd yell and scream throwing a fit, or stand speechless, like this.

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