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I was beyond furious. He knew what this would do to me. Time and time again he did things too drastic, but this time he went too far, even for him. What was worse is he lied about it.

"How could you do this to me?" I yelled with all of my emotions raw. My wounds were fresh. He starred at me with a cold expression.

He's broken my world. He's broken my heart. He's broken everything. Everything that exists in my world is shattered. I'm losing hope that this cold hearted bastard will change.

"You knew what this would do to me, but you did it anyway! How could you do this to me!" I yelled trying to show him what he's done. He still kept the same expression.

I didn't believe he had any feelings. He showed none. In my mind he was a wolf in sheep's clothing, but he was much worse then a wolf, he was satin.

He stood in front of me with cold, empty eyes. He was towered over me looking down. I was shaking on the inside, but on the outside I did my best to hide it. I knew it was no use, he knew what I was thinking either way.

"Just remember one thing," He started darkly, "I own you. I have complete control on your existence, be careful what you say, think, and do. We wouldn't want anything to happen now, would we?" He finished with a stone cold expression it sent shivers down my spine.

"Take away my right to think. What right do I still have left? I can barley breathe without you having an issue." I retort sharply hoping to anger him.

It was dangerous to try and make him angry. It was useless try to make him happy. It was impossible not to make his frustrated.

He cut the space between us. I gasped as he pushed me against the wall and held my chin up, forcing me to look into his empty eyes.

"Nows not the time to be smart. You know you'd have a much better stay here if you'd learn to shut your trap." He scolded through his clenched jaw. His eyes were almost black as the night night sky when he was angry, which was about every other second.

I starred into his eyes searching for some kind of emotion, but I found nothing. My hope was dying out, and that's the reason he claimed to love me. 'For I'd never give up, not even in the darkest hour of the darkest days' in his words.

In all honesty, I think he's full of shit. Every word that comes out of his mouth I question. His love I question the most. Maybe he just doesn't know how to show it I think as I still look in the eyes of a Zain who claims to be an angel, but in my eyes will always be satin.

"You will never escape me, Ellis. Never, remember that." He warned as he released my chin and walked away not looking back at me.

He jumped out of the window. I walked over and watched him as his wings spread and flew away far away from the sanctuary he's locked me in. Where the secrets he tries to hide lay. Little does he know, I know more than he thinks.

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