"Take Me Back"

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Take me back to where the Ponderosa's tickle the clouds. 

Take me back to where the wind whispers to the trees, deep in those evergreen woods. 

Take me back to where the water sings, and history crumbles at your feet. 

Back to where the animals rule the land, and people happily live alongside them. 

Take me back to where the birds fly high, and fish swim free.

 Take me back to where the sun hugs your face, and the breeze is something nice. 

Take me back to where tracks cover the ground, wild and tame alike. 

Back to where the soul screams to be set free. 

Take me back to those magical hills.

Take me back to where my nightmares tremble in nature's wake. 

Take me back to the place that gave my soul chills. 

Back to Grindstone Lake.

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