Chapter 2

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(Art by me)

Whether or not the family should've visited Hotland that day, or whether it would've been wiser to leave their father to drown in his work is another thing.

But of course, the ever persistent spooks wasn't going to let her brothers grow up without seeing him, it wouldnt have been fair.

With no texts or calls, or even a letter, she knew how hard it was to have a parent you knew was there but couldn't see because of their own stubbornness.

It's not like he was even that busy after all, right?

Regardless of how Spooks felt, it was the right thing to do. No child ever deserves to be abandoned by a parent.

The small family quickly got dressed and prepared some spaghetti. Their efforts to keep papyrus somewhat clean and presentable were fruitless.
The ever so great papyrus showed his method of making spaghetti was far from clean.

After putting their food offering in a container and fetching the dog's leash, the family of three head out on their journey to see their father.

The snow had stopped coming down for the time being, which meant they didn't have to worry about getting caught up in an oncoming blizzard.

"do you think dad will even appreciate us turning up unspoken?" Sans questioned, a tint of slight hope in his tone.

Spooks smiled at her younger brother, who was doing his best to keep his hands bundled up in his jacket sleeves.

"well even if he doesn't, at least that means we tried! And that's got to account for something right?" she knew how hard it was from first experience to get a pleasant reaction from their father.

She herself struggled to feel successful or appreciated under her father's gaze. No matter how hard she trained, what she wore, how she acted, the reactions were always the same. It seemed to her like he didn't care. But she didn't want that for her younger brothers. She wouldn't want that for anyone.

Papyrus was plodding along side the two of them, keeping a tight hold on the puppy's leash, lest he run off and annoy someone else again. They'd had complaints before that the dog had gotten into the kitchen behind the bar and stolen crackers.

Luckily, Sans was close friends with the Bartenders son, Grillby, and managed to persuade him to let the dog go free. After that, they always kept him in eyesight.

The three of them and said dog, passed by the bar, which was currently accepting morning customers for hot drinks and breakfast, and gave a small wave to the elder flame. The smaller flame was stood by the door, and happily waved back towards sans and his family.
Grillby wore a yellow and orange striped sweater with a white shirt and red bow tie as well as some tan coloured quarter length trousers.

He was a little older than sans, and was due to stop wearing stripes any day now.

You see, monsters had a sort of system going, if you were a lesser monster, meaning a child or younger, you would wear striped clothing to identify this. Monsters come in all shapes and sizes, and to avoid accidentally calling a small monster, who happened to be a fully developed one at that, as a child, this was quite honestly the easiest method to do so.

Getting back to Grillby, he would soon be entering his teen years, meaning he would classify as a young adult and would no longer need to wear his stripes. He would also be allowed to work short shifts behind the bar. Sans was excited for his best friend, not only is that a pretty cool job but sans knew he would waggle discounts from him in the future if he was clever about it.

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