Chapter 25

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Within no time at all, the library was a beacon of life. The doors opened to let refuge, hot cocoa and blankets being distributed, overall hope had begin to flourish amongst the town, things might just turn around for the better after all.

Golden light streamed in from outside, warming up patches through the glass.

Spooks leaned up against an empty bookcase, the books that onced lined its shelves long been scattered across the floor. It was almost heartbreaking to see them ruined. She really felt emotion for Bonnie, who had help run the library for quite some time.

Error sat on the stool he had pinched, his arms crossed waiting for spooks to make a move, as much as helping out her own au was nice, an overwhelming need to keep exploring filled her bones and vibrated in her soul.

Once she had gotten a taste of what was out there, it was hard to go back to normal. She couldn't imagine sitting here, knowing there was more to see, more to discover.

The need to find out more about her father was also there. If he had disappeared as though the rumours said, then perhaps they were simply looking in the wrong direction.

Spooks looked over to her brothers who had distracted themselves with helping fellow monsters. With a smile, somehow, she knew they would be alright. They're strong. She knew that for sure now, she had seen exactly how they've grown, and she couldn't have been any prouder.

Spooks then looked over to Bonnie. As weird as it was, she almost felt guilty leaving her behind over leaving her brothers. A kindle had clearly sparked up between them, it almost pained her to put it out so quickly. But she couldn't ask Bonnie to leave, it would be too unfair to bring her along.

With a hearty sigh, she plucked up the courage to force herself from her bookshelf perch, to wander through the little gathering of helpless monsters and over to her brothers.

Clearing her throat attentively, she announced her presence to the other skeletons.

"'sup?" Sans spoke as he turned to look at her, his hands holding what looked to be a paper cup full of ketchup. She wasn't surprised.

"Ah! Dear sister, how delightful to see you, is there something you need?" Papyrus, chipper as ever, chimed in with a gleeful voice.

Pap was always good at keeping up appearances, seeming as though there was not a worry in the world for the lanky bones, but Spooks knew better, she could read through the facade. But now was not a time for that, she didn't need to stir the pot any more than she was already about to.

"well, you see, I was just-" Spooks started.

"it's okay, go. We've got it held down 'ere so, go do what you gotta do." sans shrugged with an out of character soft smile on his face.

"oh! Leaving so soon, my, you better be back for supper, or there will be none of my famous spaghetti left!" papyrus gleefully chuckled, wrapping his long arms around his sister.

Spooks hugged back instantly, smiling into Papyrus' wooly sweater and red scarf.

"I'll be back soon, I promise. And I know you don't like promises sans, so I wouldn't break it! Skull's honour." she placed her gloved hand over where her soul floated under her ribcage, the other in the air as though taking oath.

She smiled goofily as the younger skeleton in blue stuck one bony finger up at her with a nonchalant expression.

Turning back to where Error sat, swinging his legs back and forth on the wooden stool, she took a deep breath, and walked over slowly.

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