Chapter 10

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(Art by me regretfully)

Spooks, Ink and Fresh sat in an almost half circle, amongst each other. Occasionally Fresh would make a joke and the other two would laugh, or the other way around.

It was comfortable.

To begin with, Spooks thought making friends with the colourful skeleton with a strange lingo was unlikely, but the longer she stayed around him, the more she began to change her mind.

Then again, when do you ever expect to make friends with someone? They always come when you least expect it.

Eventually Error did return. He didn't say anything though, just simply sat with them, completing the circle, and began to crochet in silence, using blue wool to make what looked like a small hat. Maybe for a younger skeleton.

Nobody questions it of course, maybe another time.

The only thing Spooks did question however was;

"How do you actually do that, error? I tried once when Bubs was a baby but I couldn't quite get the hang of it..." she asked, awkwardly, but curiously.

Error gazed at her for a few seconds in silence. Ink's eyes flicking back and forth between them both, Fresh simply ignoring them, choosing to fiddle with the ball of yarn next to the destroyer.

"I guess... I could show you." He sighed, glitching a little as always.

Her face lit up, happy to comply. She shifted so she was a little closer, but not too close, to see what he was doing and how he was doing so.

Admittedly, she was confused at first, but surprisingly Error was patient with her, and sometimes repeated the step if needed. Sometimes he'd whack her with the needle on top of one of her horns, telling her to pay attention, which each time made Ink chuckle.

Eventually, both skeletons had successfully created two small knitted hats between them. Ink had provided Spooks with some baby pink yarn, so hers was a different colour to the glitchy skeletons. Which probably wouldn't have mattered considering hers was matted in a few spits, whereas Error's was flawless.

Oh well, practice makes perfect. Maybe she'll keep it up. Who knows?

Fresh had seemingly gotten bored throughout the tutoring and had left. Not that anyone would blame him though. 

Ink sat with a sketchbook, scribbling across the page furiously with a determined look on his face, his rainbow tongue sticking out in the corner of his mouth.

"what'cha doodling there ink?" she asked, attempting to peak over the top of said sketchbook.

"probably another useless au." Error grumbled, tidying away his crochet tools.

"I'll have you know dear Ruru I am sketching... uh.. Well its not an au!" he pouted.

It definitely  was. Ink could deny it all he wanted, but he couldn't really convince either of them. Even though she'd only known him for a few days, she felt like she knew him too well already.

"sure. I'll believe you when there's no universes left for me to get rid of." The destroyer smirked.

"you two are so weird." she laughed to herself.

"yet here you are. Believe it or not little pudu, you're just as weird as the both of us." Error teased.

"pudu? what's that?" she asked, raising one brown bone at the glitchy skeleton.

"its a type of tiny deer, and they have two tiny little horns. like you?" Ink explained, whipping up a quick little sketch as an example. What the hell, they're adorable.

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