Chapter 24

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"Elle, James, please promise me that you're going to be careful. Don't go to Ukara on your own, we want to come with you so that we can get Lola back?" Harry looked between the two of us expectantly. He knew that James had the same reactions as he did. James would do anything to help the people that he loved.

"We promise Dad but what if something happens where none of you can help us?" James asked.

"Then just remember that I believe in you. You can defeat her, get rid of her once and for all and then maybe, just maybe we will finally be at peace." Harry tried to smile, but it came out as more of a grimace.

"Thanks Dad." James flung himself into his Dad's arm's.

"Be careful, both of you." Harry warned us. He then made his way over to Ginny, Albus and Lily.

"James, what if Lola's badly injured?" I whimpered, thinking of my best friend in pain made me want to cry.

"She'll be alright in the end Elle, that's if she's even injured. Everything's going to be okay, I promise." He gave me a comforting smile. I nodded once and followed him over to where Luke and Scorpius were stood.

As I was about to tell Luke that we'd do whatever we could to get Lola back, the room suddenly became dark and everyone fell silent. I knew what this meant and immediately grabbed James' hand. It gave me a sense of comfort to know that James was there. I wasn't a weak girl, but I needed James at that moment.

"She's coming." Luke muttered. I slowly nodded in agreement.

The doors of the Great Hall burst open and in walked Ukara who was followed by her force of Death Eaters, one of them holding Lola by the collar of her shirt tightly. I would've thought that Ukara would try to sneak up on us, using that black thing that Death Eaters used to travel. Henry had told me about them once when I was about ten.

"LOLA!" Luke attempted to run forward to get Lola. Myself and James quickly grabbed his arm, holding him back. It had to be us that saved Lola. Ukara would kill Luke instantly if he tried to fight them.

"Wait a minute Luke, you can't charge in there and fight them, Ukara will kill you." I warned him. He nodded once and gave the Death Eater who had hold of Lola a cold glare.

"We are back and your time is up! Come forward James and Lyla!" Ukara announced to the hall when she had made it to the front.

"If you want to get to James and Lyla, you'll have to fight us first!" Harry stood in front of Ukara with Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Astoria, George, Angelina, Bill, Fleur, Victoire, Teddy, Percy, Audrey and Charlie around him. They all stood with their wand's ready to fight. Other adults slowly began to join them, including Henry and Victoria.

"Oh how sweet. The Potters, Weasleys and Malfoys protecting their children." Ukara cackled, looking at the line of slowly growing adults.

"We stick together. You should know that by now." Ginny told her, giving Ukara a long, cold glare.

"Oh we do" Ukara grinned "You people can never stay away from each other."

"Give Lola back!" Luke yelled from behind his parent's.

"Luke!" Astoria warned him.

"I've already told you Mr Malfoy, James and Lyla are the only one's who can save her." Ukara flicked her wand and Lola began to yell in agony.

"Stop! Stop it please!" I yelled, running through the wall of adults, my emotion's getting the better of me.

"Elle!" Astoria cried, watching me with a pained look.

"Finally, I knew that by hurting poor Lola I'd get Lyla near us. Grab her!" Ukara ordered, as soon as I tried to react I was grabbed by the waist by none other than Morlin.

"Elle!" James' voice was as clear as day. I looked over at him, a scared look on my face. He was looking at me with the same expression whilst being held back by Harry and Ginny. I didn't blame them. I was stupid to run forward.

"Bring her up here Morlin. I think it's time for Miss Malfoy to say goodbye to the world. We're going to kill her right in front of the person who loves her most." Ukara smirked menacingly. I violently began to struggle as Morlin dragged me up the stairs to Ukara.

"NO!" James yelled, struggling against Harry and Ginny's grip on him even more.

"Let the other girl go." Ukara ordered another of her Death Eaters. He complied and shoved Lola towards Draco, Astoria, Luke and Scorpius. Luke immediately bent down and helped her up.

"No, there has to be another way!" Astoria cried, clinging desperately to Draco's side.

"Be quiet woman! At first, my target was Harry Potter and his family. But now, it's Lyla Malfoy and James Potter. As soon as I was told about their curse, I was intrigued and just knew that I had to ruin it. Love is unnatural." Ukara spoke to the crowd.

"That's because you've never been loved your heartless woman! Your lover never loved you because he was the same! Just as cold and heartless!" I yelled as Morlin tried to keep my mouth shut.

"I suggest you shut up Miss Malfoy! I'll kill you instantly!" Ukara turned her cold gaze to me.

"Then do it! You've been waiting for an opportunity for weeks and now you've got it so do it!" I challenged her, glaring.

"Lyla no!" Astoria had fallen to the floor in tears.

"Elle please!" James yelled, tears were now running down his cheeks.

"Don't give in." Luke told me, giving me the 'twin' look.

"All these people that love you Lyla and you want to die." Ukara laughed at me like I was pathetic.

"I don't want to die you crazy woman! But you're going to kill me anyway."

"That's true. Let's get this other with." Ukara smirked. Morlin let me go so that I was standing by myself, but stuck to the floor with a freeze charm. Ukara raised her wand at me ready to kill.

"No!" James had broken free and ran right to me, taking me in his arm's just as Ukara yelled "Avada Kedavra!"

But instead of the world going black and everything disappearing, a bright light emerged from myself and James, blocking Ukara's spell and rebounding, flying straight back at her and killing her.

The Great Hall fell silent as they watched the light around myself and James begin to decrease. It had done it's job and Ukara was defeated.

"What the heck just happened?" I whispered to James.

"I think it was some sort of shield." He replied as he pulled away from me and looked around at the gaping mouths of the people in the Great Hall.

"Love. The most powerful kind only found from curses set on two people. I've never seen it, but I've read about it." Hermione announced, loud enough so that everyone could hear.

"Oh my merlin." Ginny and Astoria ran forward, wrapping their arm's around the two of us.

"James Potter! Don't you ever scare me like that again! Or you Elle!" Ginny cried, looking like she was about to pass out. She sighed and pulled us both back into another hug.

I looked over Ginny's shoulder to see that some Death Eaters had disappeared and Aurors were beginning to arrest some of them that were remaining, including George and the real Athena Holland rather than my guardian angel Athena.

Everybody was hugging everyone to make sure that they were all alright. Lola's brother had turned up with his wife and they were both checking that she was okay.

Everything was going to be okay.

Just two chapters left! I might cry:(

Ukara is defeated! Finally! What do people think of this story? I'd love to see what you think! Feel free to message me or just comment:)

Thank you for reading!

Natalie :)

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