Chapter 6

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Confusion. As the remaining days in September passed by confusion was all I felt. I still hadn't been told what was going on with James and who he was apparently in love with and my lessons were just getting harder and harder. Everyday was making me even more stressed.

Today we were off timetable to have dance lessons for the upcoming dance. I was happy that we had a day off of lessons, but I already knew that I was a terrible dancer, so I was dreading it.

"I bet you're not as terrible as you think Elle." James rolled his eyes as we made our way down to the Great Hall where Professor Hadley, our Head Of House and Transfiguration teacher was holding the lessons.

"James you haven't even seen me dance yet. You can't judge my dancing if you haven't seen it!" I protested.

"That's because you refused to dance with me at Victoria's wedding!" James fought back.

"I wasn't making a fool of myself in front of my whole family!" I replied.

"Oh please shut up! I have a terrible head ache and you two are making it worse!" Lola cried, forcing herself between the two of us.

"Then tell him that I'm an awful dancer Lola!" I fought my corner.

"Well the only time I've seen you dance is when the Potter's had that New Years Eve Party and Teddy slipped muggle vodka into your Butterbeer. You were dancing like a crazy person then, but everyone's like that when they're drunk." Lola shrugged.

"Oh god, please don't remind me!" I groaned, blushing at the thought of that night.

"Oh I remember that! She told me she loved me and made me slow dance with her." James laughed.

"Shut up!" I groaned, pushing him lightly.

"Ah Miss Holland, Miss Gregory, Mr Potter and Mr Weasley, you finally made it. Please sit down quickly, we've been waiting for you!" Professor Hadley tutted at us and pointed to the end of the bench on the left side of the hall.

We quickly went to sit down and Professor Hadley walked into the middle of the hall.

"Right then, because I'm sure that most people your age don't know how to dance properly, we've decided to give you all dance lessons. This is a formal ball, so there will be no jumping around like idiots, you must dance like proper ladies and gentlemen. Now then.....Mr Weasley, would you join me. This is your punishment for being late." Professor Hadley pointed to Fred.

"What? Why?" Fred groaned, standing up and joining her in the centre of the hall.

"We are going to demonstrate." Professor Hadley told him, her lips pursed together.

"When Professor McGonagall was Dad's head of house she made him dance with her." Rose whispered in my ear.

"Oh gosh, I can imagine that." I laughed.

The music began to play and Fred began to stumble after Professor Hadley making it hard for us to keep our laughter held back. James was having to grip the bottom of the bench for support. Fred was definitely not a born dancer.

"Now then, can everybody please find a partner and join us." Professor Hadley ushered us all forward. I grimaced at the thought. This was the part that I had not been looking forward too.

"Elle?" James held his hand out to me.

"You want me to dance with you?" I asked him, looking at his hand unsure.

"Well if it's true what you say, that you can't dance, then you'd better learn from the best." He winked. I rolled my eyes and took his hand.

"When have you ever danced James Potter?" I asked as he showed me how to stand and we began to move.

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