Chapter 17

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Dear Perenelle,

Your Father and I have something that we would like to tell you. It is very important and think that it would be best to bring you home from Hogwarts for a while. We'll arrive on the 15th of February to bring you home.


I immediately crumpled the letter up in my hand and scowled at it.

"What's up duck?" Lola took a seat beside me at the Gryffindor table, looking over at my letter with a frown.

"My parents." I answered with a sigh before running my hand's through my hair.

"What have they done this time?" She rolled her eyes and scowled. I just tossed her the now scrunched up letter, not wanting to repeat the information that I had read. Hogwarts is my home, how could they do this to me?!

"No. It's not happening! It's NEWT year Elle! They can't just take you like that!" Lola cried.

"But they can Lo, they're my parents. I'll probably just have home tutoring or something." I sighed. I was dreading the thought of going back home to be locked up in that horrific mansion again.

"They can't do this Elle." She replied, resting her head on the table.

"I can't refuse Lola." I signed.

"Perenelle! You're seventeen! Of course you can! Imagine how James is going to take this!" She cried, jumping up from her seat and causing a few people to stare at us.

"How I'm going to take what?" James, Fred and Luke took a seat across from us, concern etched across their face's.

"Read this peace of crap!" Lola cried, thrusting the letter under James' nose.

"Lolaaa, calm down." I sighed, smiling apologetically at everyone around us.

"What the hell?! can't leave." Hurt was evident in James' eye's as he looked up at me. He passed the letter to Fred and Luke so that they could read it.

"It isn't my choice James." I replied, not meeting his eye. I couldn't look at him when he was looking at me like that.

"Maybe you could speak to McGonagall or something Elle, this is stupid." Fred suggested.

"Especially during NEWT year, you've been doing so well lately as well." Luke added.

"McGonagall can't do anything about it Fred, they're my parents, they can do what they like." I replied.

"What about Henry?" James asked.

"Henry?" I looked at him in confusion. I hadn't heard from my brother since New Years Eve, there wasn't anything that he could possibly do.

"Yes. Maybe he could talk to your parents for you?" James asked.

"You're forgetting the tiny little problem that my parents have disowned Henry James. He couldn't talk to them. They'd stun him if he even stepped foot on our grounds." I sighed.

"What did Henry actually do to make your parents disown him Elle?" Lola asked.

"I don't actually know. They never told me or Victoria." I shrugged. I had always wondered what Henry could have possibly done wrong. My parents always loved Henry. What changed that?

"I think we should forget about it, just for now. Enjoy your remaining days here Elle." Luke smiled. I nodded and smiled at the other three.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Happy Valentines Day!" Lola cried, passing us all a small chocolate in the shape of a love heart.

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