Chapter 10

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Lola returned to Hogwarts a couple of days later with some very surprising news for us all. Apparently whilst she was on her Christmas holidays, a boy from our year from Ravenclaw named Evan McRory had written to her proclaiming his undying love for her, to ask her to the dance and to ask her to be his girlfriend. It had happened so quickly and I wasn't even sure that Lola had even spoke to Evan McRory before, but of course she agreed.

She told us the news at breakfast when Luke was unfortunately present and I saw his heart break right before my eyes. I knew that Lola had feelings for Luke, so I had no idea why she was in a relationship with Evan.

Of course when she got back she was immediately on mine and James' case about how we were being so quiet around each other. She had only been back an hour when she noticed that something wasn't right. That's how we ended up sat in our dormitory during our lunch break. Lola demanded to know the truth.

"Right, you better spill Elle-Belle. What's been bothering you?!" Lola sat down on her bed and gave me an intense gaze.

"Well.....I really don't know how to explain this. To cut a long story short James kissed me and-" She immediately cut me off at that.

"HE KISSED YOU?!" Lola yelled, falling off of her bed in shock.

"Yes he kissed me Lo." I rolled my eyes.

"Well it's about time!" Lola grinned and climbed back up in to her bed.

"There's a little catch to my story though. He kissed me and some sort of force pushed me away from him and I had another vision. I was a Princess and James was in it when this woman named Athena came and told us that we were cursed to love each other over the different eras that we lived in. James figured out how to call this Athena woman and we spoke to her and it's all true. I'm destined to love James and I don't know what to do!" At that moment I broke down into tears. I'd needed my best friend for days and I was thankful that she was finally there to help me.

"Oh Merlin Elle, please don't cry! We can get through this! You and James are like the toughest people I know, you're going to be fine!" Lola cried, rushing over to me and pulling me into a hug.

"I-It's j-just hard L-Lo. H-How am I m-meant to l-love him w-when I've n-never felt t-that way about h-him b-before?" I cried.

"Elle, do you want to know what I think?" I nodded "I think that you have always felt a little bit of something for him, even if you deny it. You have some sort of connection that I've never seen between anyone before and you can make this right Elle. You just have to make the right decision."

This was one of the first times that Lola had ever spoke a word of sense, but for once I finally realised what she was trying to tell me. Maybe I had always held some sort of feelings for James, but I'd never realised it until that moment. However, another part of me was unsure like I didn't want to force myself to love James if I didn't. I felt like I didn't like him like that.

"Maybe you're right Lola, but I don't want to pretend to hold feelings for him if I don't feel that way." I sighed, I had finally calmed down from my crying.

"You'll figure it out Elle, I promise. Now can we please go and eat?!" Lola got up and began to drag me towards the dormitory door.

"Wait! I need to check if my face is alright!" I cried, tugging away from her and rushing to the mirror to wipe the mascara off of my cheek's that had ran down when I was crying.

"James thinks you're beautiful anyway Elle." Lola winked leaning against the doorframe.

"Don't start." I rolled my eyes and walked out of the dormitory, heading down the stairs that lead into the Common Room.

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