Part 150

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Yato sat in the darkness his mind wandering as he waited. The only thing on his mind is Sasuke and him growing stronger day by day. "We will be fighting soon, I know it." Yato said with a slight smirk. 

"If it isn't Yato Uchiha?" A female said walking down the hallway towards Yato's cell. The woman had long brown hair and wore a blue dress. "Mizukage, it's a pleasure." Yato said with slight sarcasm. 

"Cut the nonsense, why are you here?"
"To seek peace between the fire and water nation of course." 
"The Hokage was to come here, not you." 
"That deadbeat will be here soon wh-" 

"If the Hokage isn't here within a day then you will be executed as simple as that." 
 "You are convicted of killing twelve jonin rank ninja's along with killing two of my top anbu and then stole one of my most prized possessions."
"Hay I can't help your men attacked me, I only wanted food. It isn't my fault they didn't know their opponent!" 

"Dont talk to the Mizukage like that!" A blue haired boy shouted pulling out a rather weird looking blade. 
"Playing nice guy is really not my style." Yato thought. 


Raiu launched at his enemy once more but was launched back by some sort of shock wave causing him to get flung into a nearby wall. "Raiu stop this, leave me!" Jiraiya shouted, the sage exhausted as he laid on top of a rock, his right arm torn off. "Never!" The man shouted his eyes bright with the sharingan. 

"To think such a reckless man is a leader of a nation." Pain said behind his clones. They all seem unscratched. "Shut up, you're cheating by reviving them!" Raiu shouted as the ground started shaking violently.

"You shall not win against me!" Raiu shouted his body erupting with an intense heat, Launching at the Pain clones but suddenly disappearing in a flash of lightning. "Calamity style: Wrathful pulse!" The man's voice boomed through the area as the area started to get filled with lightning. The ground itself seeming like it's tearing apart as molten lava started spewing. 

"STOP THIS RAIU!" Jiraiya shouted seeing his student high in the air as this calamity unfolded in this small area. Suddenly Jiraiya got grabbed by one of the pain clones. The old man's neck being squeezed tightly. 

"LET GO OF HIM!" Raiu shouted from high in the air as he launched towards them. Out of nowhere a gigantic husk came out of the ground grabbing Raiu by the arm. Stopping his motion instantly. "You can't win against me Raiu. Not you or your pathetic son do you want to know why?" One of the pain clones said when a weird creature popped out of the ground spitting out another pain clone. One who has been killed moments before. 

"It's wonders what one achieve with blood of the gifted. Your son for instance. The chakra reserves he has gifted to me is astonishing...Farewell Hokage" Pain said coldly as the husk's other arm came slamming down on Raiu. 

"RAIU!!" Jiraiya shouted but no reply came. "The end is near for you as well" Pain said coldly as the clone who held his neck started squeezing even harder. Jiraiya could only see the faint blood trickling out of the husks fist before everything faded to black. 


For those wondering the Husk referred to here is the 10 tails husk which the rinnigan wielder can command. 


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