Part 116

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A loud bang resonated through the area as two powerful hand held justu's struck against one another. The lights shined so bright that even the darkest corner of the forest was lighted up. "A lightning jutsu really? Why don't you try something stronger" Yato asked sending a kick to the unsuspecting ninja, sending the man flying into a nearby tree.

Without leaving a moment to breath, Yato shot at him, pinning the person by his neck against the tree. The bark broke apart as Yato's grip strengthen against the tree. The ninja tried to move his hands to form a jutsu but somehow Yato's grip was so strong that his body couldn't move from fear of death. 

"This ended faster than I expected" Yato thought as he moved his one hand to pull down the persons mask. Bright red eyes shot alive and Yato could quickly see the tomes as they started spinning around the iris. "Sorry but genjutsu doesn't work on me. Seems like your trump card failed" Yato said pulling the cloth away.

 Yato's eyes slightly widen at the sight of this persons stone hard face which showed nothing but blood lust. A long silence was between the two when Yato finally decided and pulled down his own scarf to reveal his face. 

"It seems we finally crossed paths again" Sasuke said coldly while staring deep into Yato's eyes. Unexpectedly Yato released Sasuke allowing the boy to fall back onto his feet. Before anything could be done, Yato sent a punch right across Sasuke's face, knocking the boy off his feet. 

"That's for what you did" Yato said emotionless as he watched how Sasuke pitifully got back onto his feet only to be met with another fist to bring him back to the ground. 

"Your a bastard you know" Yato said looking down at Sasuke who was battered and bruised with his one eye swelling up. "Like your no different" Sasuke said letting out a cough which consisted of some blood to land on the ground. 

"Was it worth it? Joining Orochimaru...leaving everything and everyone you know behind?" Yato asked this and quickly sent a kick into Sasuke's abdomen sending him into a nearby rock wall. 

"Yes, it was. I needed to get stronger in order to kill Itachi. Something the both of us were suppose to do" Sasuke said trying to wipe off some blood that stained his vision. "And how did that training help you now? You can't even land a blow on me...the person who you grew up with...your best friend no I was your brother." 

Sasuke stared blankly at Yato as the boy's anger was clearly flaring up to new heights. "A brother. Ha like you were even a brother not alone a friend. You always got in my way, being the strongest in team 7 and now even being stronger after 3 years" Sasuke slowly lifted up his sword and instantly appeared behind Yato in order to slash him. 

Yato stood still, knowing this attack to come. As Sasuke's blade struck Yato, the metal shattered apart like glass. "You know why I became strong? Why I ever trained in the first place? It was to protect your sorry ass" The boy suddenly erupted in lightning as a bright blue cloak formed on his body.  

Yato stayed quiet after this trying his damdist to not fall into rage and kill the boy behind him. ", before I kill you" Yato's voice was cold and hurt from the past still in his tone. 

Not letting this chance go for granted, Sasuke disappeared in a cloud of smoke leaving the area as fast as he could. 

A few minutes go by as Yato just stares at the spot Sasuke once stood as if something inside him was boiling up. The thunder clouds only got darker and darker as large waves of Lightning struck through the area. "Can't loose control...not now" Yato said gripping his fist tighter than ever so that blood slowly trickles from his palm. 

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