Part 119

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"So you're saying that the kazekage has been captured?" 
"Yes, the akatsuki seem to have assaulted the village in the middle of the night. I'm sending in your squad as the first respondents. Soon when the next team comes back, I'll send them after you. This classify's as a S+ rank mission. Do not disappoint Kakashi, the hidden sand and konoha's relationship relies on this mission." Raiu said looking at Kakashi with a stern glare. 

"Yes Hokage sir, we'll leave" Kakashi said turning around but stopped as soon as his hand touched the door handle. "Oh sir if you don't mind, what do you want me to do with Yato. He is still asleep after his drinking frenzy." Kakashi said this with slight regret thinking this is some small part his fault. 

Raiu slowly pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking something like would happen. "Have Naruto carry him and remember Karin is now part of your squad. Tell Itachi report to me, it'll be better to have him here at the village until we clear his name." Kakashi let out a nod before heading out of the room where he saw his team already waiting in the hallway. Naruto was having fun with poking Yato and stuffing his nose with as many pencils as possible. 

"You know, if Yato wakes up now then he'll probably kill you" Sakura said as she watched with amusement. "Yo Karin did Yato get this wasted while on your travels?" Naruto asked as he somehow fitted the tenth pencil into Yato's nose. "Well we didn't get a chance to relax much so I haven't seen him this....'wasted' ever really." Karin said looking at Yato with slight concern. 

"Alright it's time to go, we got our orders." Kakashi said coming down the hallway. With one swift motion, Naruto pulled out all the pencils at once. "Now who is stuck with him now?" Naruto asked looking at the now snotty pencils with disgust. "Well you're his friend so guess you'll be carrying him" 
"WHA UNFAIR!" Naruto protested but quickly received a forehead flick from Karin. "Come on halfbreed don't be lazy" 


"Yes now carry Yato and if you drop him then I'll drop you off a cliff" Karin added flicking her hair out of her gaze before walking away with Sakura close behind. "I'd listen to the girl Naruto, I don't think getting on her bad side is something you want to do. " Kakashi said as he walked away leaving Naruto with this still sleeping Yato. 


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