Part 120

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Team seven has made their way towards the land of wind with the fastest speed possible. Somehow Yato has still slept for over 2 day's. Naruto was unfortunately the one chosen to carry Yato most of the way. 

Finally in the distance the mighty walls of the hidden sand village started to appear. "Finally, we need to get a report so we know which way they traveled and what we're dealing with." Kakashi said, happy he didn't have to listen to Yato's snoring anymore. 

"Halt, state your business" A sand village ninja said as he saw the group approach. "Don't worry about it, their here for the kaze kage. A girl said coming out from the shadows casted by the walls. "

"Temari long time no see" Sakura said, instantly recognizing the girl. "Yes it's been a while, unfortunately we couldn't meet on better circumstances. Anyway you're probably the medical ninja in the team right?" 

"Yes and Karin here has some medical training" 
"Good, we need your help. Kankuro went after the Kazekage but when he'll see. Let's go" Temari  quickly launched off towards the biggest building in the village.


Sakura and Karin were ushered into a room with Kankuro on a stretcher. Kakashi and Naruto on the other hand waited outside since they don't have any medical experience. Kakashi laid against they wall reading his book with the knuckle head ninja going through Yato's stuff. 

"This sword is really cool" Naruto said gazing at the blade strapped to Yato's back. "Watch out for that, it's sharp. Yato accidentally sliced off a pillar with a drunken swing one night." Kakashi said. 

"Cool, he has...pieces of papers in his pouch" 
"Those are for making seals" 
"What about this?" Naruto asked pointing to the necklace strapped to Yato's blade hilt. 

Kakashi placed his book down to take a closer look.  "Looks like a pendant, I remember he wore that before going on his training. Seems like he still has it." 
"Yeah it's co-" Suddenly when Naruto touched it, Yato's unconscious hand grabbed the boy by the wrist. 

"WAHA WHAT THE HELL?" Naruto shouted trying to get Yato's hand loos but to no avail. Kakashi somehow managed to keep his composure and not crack up and laugh.


"The poison that's coursing through him is moving fast. Karin got any idea's? All i can think of is getting an antidote but that might take a while" 

"Maybe but I need some space" A quick nod came from Sakura as she chased the other nurses out of the room so its only her and Karin. "Thanks, I don't want everyone to know of what my blood can do" Karin said taking out a syringe from her pouch. 

"Sterilize his arm" Karin added as she sucked out quite a lot of her blood. Once the needle was out, a quick burst of steam came off the hole before disappearing, seemingly never been punctured. 

"Alright hopefully this works." Karin said giving Sakura the syringe. 

Kankuro's body slowly started glowing as Karin's blood coursed through his veins. "It has a better effect if I enhance it with chakra along with administering it directly." Karin said looking ever hopeful to Sakura. "it might take a bit before he shows any visible improvement but we don't have time to wait. Gaara is still captured and we don't know if he is even still alive. I suggest we head out now before it's late."

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